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Running "node lib-dqx-test.mjs" will:

1. Generate a secret key and print it out.
2. Generate a public key and print it out.
3. Generate a second key pair and print out only the public key.
4. Hash the second public key with SHA-256.
5. Sign the hash with the secret key of the first key pair.
6. Verify the signature with the public key of the first key pair.
2023-11-30 19:11:14 +00:00

37 lines
1.5 KiB

import { dilithiumGenKeyPair, dilithiumSign, dilithiumVerifySig } from './api.js';
import { randomBytes, createHash } from 'crypto';
async function testDilithium() {
try {
// Generate the first key pair
const { publicKey: publicKey1, secretKey: secretKey1 } = await dilithiumGenKeyPair({ randomBytes });
console.log("First Key Pair Generated.");
console.log("Secret Key 1:", secretKey1.toString('hex'));
console.log("Public Key 1:", publicKey1.toString('hex'));
// Generate the second key pair
const { publicKey: publicKey2 } = await dilithiumGenKeyPair({ randomBytes });
console.log("Second Key Pair Generated.");
console.log("Public Key 2:", publicKey2.toString('hex'));
// Hash the second public key using SHA-256
const hash = createHash('sha256');
const hashedPublicKey2 = hash.digest();
console.log("Hashed Public Key 2:", hashedPublicKey2.toString('hex'));
// Sign the hash with the first secret key
const signature = await dilithiumSign({ secretKey: secretKey1, challenge: hashedPublicKey2 });
console.log("Signature:", signature.toString('hex'));
// Verify the signature with the first public key
const isValid = await dilithiumVerifySig({ publicKey: publicKey1, challenge: hashedPublicKey2, signature });
console.log("Signature Validity:", isValid);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in testDilithium:", error);