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2019-02-12 05:22:07 +00:00
# Lnrpc - ruby gRPC client for LND
2019-02-08 05:51:42 +00:00
2019-02-12 17:48:39 +00:00
a [gRPC](https://grpc.io/) client for [LND, the Lightning Network Daemon](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/) packed as ruby gem.
Currently published as [beta release](https://rubygems.org/gems/lnrpc) to rubygems for LND v0.5.2.beta. (see [#Versioning](#Versioning))
2019-02-08 05:51:42 +00:00
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'lnrpc'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install lnrpc
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# or for pre releases:
$ gem install lnrcp --pre
2019-02-08 05:51:42 +00:00
## Usage
2019-02-12 05:15:04 +00:00
This gem makes the gRPC client classes created from the [LND service defintions](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/tree/master/lnrpc) available.
2019-02-12 05:22:07 +00:00
require "lnrpc"
# the gRPC client is available under the Lnrpc namespace, e.g.
Learn more about [gRPC](https://grpc.io/) on [gRPC.io](https://grpc.io/).
2019-02-12 05:15:04 +00:00
The LND API reference can be found here: [https://api.lightning.community/](https://api.lightning.community/)
### Example
require "lnrpc"
credentials = File.read("/path/to/tls.cert")
macaroon = File.read("/path/to/readonly.macaroon").unpack("H*")
# initialize a new client
client = Lnrpc::Lightning::Stub.new("localhost:10009", GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new(self.credentials))
# perform a request
request = Lnrpc::GetInfoRequest.new
response = client.get_info(request, { metadata: { macaroon: macaroon } }) #=> Lnrpc::GetInfoResponse
puts response.alias
### Client wrapper
2019-03-03 22:56:52 +00:00
An optional client wrapper ([Lnrpc::Client](https://github.com/bumi/lnrpc/blob/master/lib/lnrpc/client.rb)) makes
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initializing the gRPC client easier and removes the need for some boilerplate code for calling RPC methods.
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#### Example
lnd = Lnrpc::Client.new({credentials_path: '/path/to.cert.cls', macaroon_path: '/path/to/admin.macaroon'})
2019-02-12 06:06:58 +00:00
Also have a look at [examples.rb](https://github.com/bumi/lnrpc/blob/master/examples.rb)
2019-02-12 05:15:04 +00:00
#### Initializing a new client
The Lnrpc::Client constructor allows the following options:
* credentials:
2019-03-04 19:14:35 +00:00
- `credentials` : the credentials data as string (pass nil if a "trusted" cert (e.g. from letsencrypt is used)
2019-03-04 19:20:05 +00:00
- `credentials_path` : the path to a credentials file (tls.cert) as string (default: `"#{LND_HOME_DIR}/tls.cert"` )
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* macaroon:
- `macaroon` : the macaroon as hex string
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- `macaroon_path` : the path to the macaroon file created by lnd as string (default: `"#{LND_HOME_DIR}/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon"`)
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* address:
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- `address` : lnd address as string. format: address:port, e.g. localhost:10009 (default)
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2019-03-04 19:22:34 +00:00
If no credentials or no macaroon is provided default files are assumed in `ENV['LND_HOME'] || "~/.lnd"`.
2019-03-04 19:20:05 +00:00
A macaroon is required.
2019-02-12 05:15:04 +00:00
require 'lnrpc'
lnd = Lnrpc::Client.new({
credentials_path: '/path/to.cert.cls',
macaroon_path: '/path/to/admin.macaroon',
address: 'host:port'
# the actual gRPC client is available through:
#### Calling RPC methods
The client wrapper passes any supported RPC method call to the gRPC client applying the following conventions:
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If the first parameter is a hash or blank the corresponding gRPC request object will be instantiated.
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# is the same as:
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2019-02-12 05:39:53 +00:00
client.list_channels(inactive_only: true)
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# is the same as:
2019-02-12 06:21:55 +00:00
request = Lnrpc::ListChannelsRequest.new(inactive_only: true)
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2019-02-12 06:21:55 +00:00
# is the same as:
request = Lnrpc::WalletBalanceRequest.new()
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2019-02-12 05:15:04 +00:00
## Using with BTC Pay Server
If you have a running BTC Pay Server with LND support, integrating with lnrpc is easy.
- Navigate to the domain associated with your BTC Pay Server
- Navigate to Services on the Server Settings page
- Click "see information" for your gRPC Server
- The link by "More details..." will expose the address and various macaroon hex strings
- Initialize your client with the options detailed above. BTC Pay Server utilizes LetsEncrypt for trusted TLC Certificates so set that option to nil.
Don't have a BTC Pay Server? [Setting one up is easy.](https://medium.com/@BtcpayServer/launch-btcpay-server-via-web-interface-and-deploy-full-bitcoin-node-lnd-in-less-than-a-minute-dc8bc6f06a3)
2019-02-12 05:15:04 +00:00
## Versioning
This gem follows the LND versions and will update the gRPC service definitions accordingly.
e.g. gem version 0.5.2 includes the gRPC service definitions from LND v0.5.2
## Other resources
* [LND gRPC API Reference](https://api.lightning.community)
* [LND Developer Site](https://dev.lightning.community/)
* [gRPC Ruby quick start](https://grpc.io/docs/quickstart/ruby.html)
2019-02-08 05:51:42 +00:00
## Contributing
2019-02-08 05:53:44 +00:00
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/bumi/lnrpc.
2019-02-08 05:51:42 +00:00
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).