Update lnd service definitions to 0.6.1-beta

This commit is contained in:
bumi 2019-05-15 11:30:46 +02:00
parent 2b96c95c36
commit 7b10b8566d
4 changed files with 666 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ This gem makes the gRPC client classes created from the [LND service defintions]
require "lnrpc"
# the gRPC client is available under the Lnrpc namespace, e.g.
# the gRPC client is available under the Lnrpc namespace, e.g.
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ The LND API reference can be found here: [https://api.lightning.community/](http
require "lnrpc"
credentials = File.read("/path/to/tls.cert")
credentials = File.read("/path/to/tls.cert")
macaroon = File.read("/path/to/readonly.macaroon").unpack("H*")
# initialize a new client
@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ client = Lnrpc::Lightning::Stub.new("localhost:10009", GRPC::Core::ChannelCreden
# perform a request
request = Lnrpc::GetInfoRequest.new
response = client.get_info(request, { metadata: { macaroon: macaroon } }) #=> Lnrpc::GetInfoResponse
puts response.alias
puts response.alias
### Client wrapper
An optional client wrapper ([Lnrpc::Client](https://github.com/bumi/lnrpc/blob/master/lib/lnrpc/client.rb)) makes
An optional client wrapper ([Lnrpc::Client](https://github.com/bumi/lnrpc/blob/master/lib/lnrpc/client.rb)) makes
initializing the gRPC client easier and removes the need for some boilerplate code for calling RPC methods.
#### Example
@ -72,25 +72,25 @@ Also have a look at [examples.rb](https://github.com/bumi/lnrpc/blob/master/exam
#### Initializing a new client
The Lnrpc::Client constructor allows the following options:
The Lnrpc::Client constructor allows the following options:
* credentials:
* credentials:
- `credentials` : the credentials data as string (pass nil if a "trusted" cert (e.g. from letsencrypt is used)
- `credentials_path` : the path to a credentials file (tls.cert) as string (default: `"#{LND_HOME_DIR}/tls.cert"` )
* macaroon:
* macaroon:
- `macaroon` : the macaroon as hex string
- `macaroon_path` : the path to the macaroon file created by lnd as string (default: `"#{LND_HOME_DIR}/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon"`)
* address:
- `address` : lnd address as string. format: address:port, e.g. localhost:10009 (default)
If no credentials or no macaroon is provided default files are assumed in `ENV['LND_HOME'] || "~/.lnd"`.
If no credentials or no macaroon is provided default files are assumed in `ENV['LND_HOME'] || "~/.lnd"`.
A macaroon is required.
require 'lnrpc'
lnd = Lnrpc::Client.new({
credentials_path: '/path/to.cert.cls',
credentials_path: '/path/to.cert.cls',
macaroon_path: '/path/to/admin.macaroon',
address: 'host:port'
@ -103,22 +103,22 @@ lnd.grpc_client
The client wrapper passes any supported RPC method call to the gRPC client applying the following conventions:
If the first parameter is a hash or blank the corresponding gRPC request object will be instantiated.
If the first parameter is a hash or blank the corresponding gRPC request object will be instantiated.
# is the same as:
# is the same as:
client.list_channels(inactive_only: true)
# is the same as:
# is the same as:
request = Lnrpc::ListChannelsRequest.new(inactive_only: true)
# is the same as:
# is the same as:
request = Lnrpc::WalletBalanceRequest.new()
@ -133,14 +133,24 @@ If you have a running BTC Pay Server with LND support, integrating with lnrpc is
- Initialize your client with the options detailed above. BTC Pay Server utilizes LetsEncrypt for trusted TLC Certificates so set that option to nil.
Don't have a BTC Pay Server? [Setting one up is easy.](https://medium.com/@BtcpayServer/launch-btcpay-server-via-web-interface-and-deploy-full-bitcoin-node-lnd-in-less-than-a-minute-dc8bc6f06a3)
## Versioning
This gem follows the LND versions and will update the gRPC service definitions accordingly.
This gem follows the LND versions and will update the gRPC service definitions accordingly.
e.g. gem version 0.5.2 includes the gRPC service definitions from LND v0.5.2
### Update service definitions
1. Generate `prc_pb.rb` and `rpc_services_pb.rb`
$ grpc_tools_ruby_protoc -I/usr/local/include -I. -I$GOPATH/src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis --ruby_out=plugins=grpc,paths=source_relative:. --grpc_out=. rpc.proto
2. Copy `rpc.proto`, `rpc_pb.rb` and `rpc_services_pb.rb` to `lib`
3. Update `rpc_services_pb.rb` to use `require_relative` to load `rpc_pb`
## Other resources
* [LND gRPC API Reference](https://api.lightning.community)

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ syntax = "proto3";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
package lnrpc;
option go_package = "github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/lnrpc";
* Comments in this file will be directly parsed into the API
* Documentation as descriptions of the associated method, message, or field.
@ -142,11 +145,21 @@ message InitWalletRequest {
recovery_window is an optional argument specifying the address lookahead
when restoring a wallet seed. The recovery window applies to each
invdividual branch of the BIP44 derivation paths. Supplying a recovery
individual branch of the BIP44 derivation paths. Supplying a recovery
window of zero indicates that no addresses should be recovered, such after
the first initialization of the wallet.
int32 recovery_window = 4;
channel_backups is an optional argument that allows clients to recover the
settled funds within a set of channels. This should be populated if the
user was unable to close out all channels and sweep funds before partial or
total data loss occurred. If specified, then after on-chain recovery of
funds, lnd begin to carry out the data loss recovery protocol in order to
recover the funds in each channel from a remote force closed transaction.
ChanBackupSnapshot channel_backups = 5;
message InitWalletResponse {
@ -167,6 +180,16 @@ message UnlockWalletRequest {
the first initialization of the wallet.
int32 recovery_window = 2;
channel_backups is an optional argument that allows clients to recover the
settled funds within a set of channels. This should be populated if the
user was unable to close out all channels and sweep funds before partial or
total data loss occurred. If specified, then after on-chain recovery of
funds, lnd begin to carry out the data loss recovery protocol in order to
recover the funds in each channel from a remote force closed transaction.
ChanBackupSnapshot channel_backups = 3;
message UnlockWalletResponse {}
@ -217,6 +240,16 @@ service Lightning {
/** lncli: `estimatefee`
EstimateFee asks the chain backend to estimate the fee rate and total fees
for a transaction that pays to multiple specified outputs.
rpc EstimateFee (EstimateFeeRequest) returns (EstimateFeeResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/transactions/fee"
/** lncli: `sendcoins`
SendCoins executes a request to send coins to a particular address. Unlike
SendMany, this RPC call only allows creating a single output at a time. If
@ -231,6 +264,16 @@ service Lightning {
/** lncli: `listunspent`
ListUnspent returns a list of all utxos spendable by the wallet with a
number of confirmations between the specified minimum and maximum.
rpc ListUnspent (ListUnspentRequest) returns (ListUnspentResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/utxos"
SubscribeTransactions creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
the client in which any newly discovered transactions relevant to the
@ -260,7 +303,12 @@ service Lightning {
signature string is `zbase32` encoded and pubkey recoverable, meaning that
only the message digest and signature are needed for verification.
rpc SignMessage (SignMessageRequest) returns (SignMessageResponse);
rpc SignMessage (SignMessageRequest) returns (SignMessageResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/signmessage"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `verifymessage`
VerifyMessage verifies a signature over a msg. The signature must be
@ -268,7 +316,12 @@ service Lightning {
channel database. In addition to returning the validity of the signature,
VerifyMessage also returns the recovered pubkey from the signature.
rpc VerifyMessage (VerifyMessageRequest) returns (VerifyMessageResponse);
rpc VerifyMessage (VerifyMessageRequest) returns (VerifyMessageResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/verifymessage"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `connect`
ConnectPeer attempts to establish a connection to a remote peer. This is at
@ -336,6 +389,14 @@ service Lightning {
/** lncli: `subscribechannelevents`
SubscribeChannelEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
the client in which any updates relevant to the state of the channels are
sent over. Events include new active channels, inactive channels, and closed
rpc SubscribeChannelEvents (ChannelEventSubscription) returns (stream ChannelEventUpdate);
/** lncli: `closedchannels`
ClosedChannels returns a description of all the closed channels that
this node was a participant in.
@ -455,10 +516,8 @@ service Lightning {
paginated responses, allowing users to query for specific invoices through
their add_index. This can be done by using either the first_index_offset or
last_index_offset fields included in the response as the index_offset of the
next request. The reversed flag is set by default in order to paginate
backwards. If you wish to paginate forwards, you must explicitly set the
flag to false. If none of the parameters are specified, then the last 100
invoices will be returned.
next request. By default, the first 100 invoices created will be returned.
Backwards pagination is also supported through the Reversed flag.
rpc ListInvoices (ListInvoiceRequest) returns (ListInvoiceResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
@ -629,7 +688,7 @@ service Lightning {
/** lncli: `fwdinghistory`
ForwardingHistory allows the caller to query the htlcswitch for a record of
all HTLC's forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset
all HTLCs forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset
within that time range. If no time-range is specified, then the first chunk
of the past 24 hrs of forwarding history are returned.
@ -645,6 +704,90 @@ service Lightning {
body: "*"
/** lncli: `exportchanbackup`
ExportChannelBackup attempts to return an encrypted static channel backup
for the target channel identified by it channel point. The backup is
encrypted with a key generated from the aezeed seed of the user. The
returned backup can either be restored using the RestoreChannelBackup
method once lnd is running, or via the InitWallet and UnlockWallet methods
from the WalletUnlocker service.
rpc ExportChannelBackup(ExportChannelBackupRequest) returns (ChannelBackup) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/channels/backup/{chan_point.funding_txid_str}/{chan_point.output_index}"
ExportAllChannelBackups returns static channel backups for all existing
channels known to lnd. A set of regular singular static channel backups for
each channel are returned. Additionally, a multi-channel backup is returned
as well, which contains a single encrypted blob containing the backups of
each channel.
rpc ExportAllChannelBackups(ChanBackupExportRequest) returns (ChanBackupSnapshot) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/v1/channels/backup"
VerifyChanBackup allows a caller to verify the integrity of a channel backup
snapshot. This method will accept either a packed Single or a packed Multi.
Specifying both will result in an error.
rpc VerifyChanBackup(ChanBackupSnapshot) returns (VerifyChanBackupResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/channels/backup/verify"
body: "*"
/** lncli: `restorechanbackup`
RestoreChannelBackups accepts a set of singular channel backups, or a
single encrypted multi-chan backup and attempts to recover any funds
remaining within the channel. If we are able to unpack the backup, then the
new channel will be shown under listchannels, as well as pending channels.
rpc RestoreChannelBackups(RestoreChanBackupRequest) returns (RestoreBackupResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/channels/backup/restore"
body: "*"
SubscribeChannelBackups allows a client to sub-subscribe to the most up to
date information concerning the state of all channel backups. Each time a
new channel is added, we return the new set of channels, along with a
multi-chan backup containing the backup info for all channels. Each time a
channel is closed, we send a new update, which contains new new chan back
ups, but the updated set of encrypted multi-chan backups with the closed
channel(s) removed.
rpc SubscribeChannelBackups(ChannelBackupSubscription) returns (stream ChanBackupSnapshot) {
message Utxo {
/// The type of address
AddressType type = 1 [json_name = "address_type"];
/// The address
string address = 2 [json_name = "address"];
/// The value of the unspent coin in satoshis
int64 amount_sat = 3 [json_name = "amount_sat"];
/// The pkscript in hex
string pk_script = 4 [json_name = "pk_script"];
/// The outpoint in format txid:n
OutPoint outpoint = 5 [json_name = "outpoint"];
/// The number of confirmations for the Utxo
int64 confirmations = 6 [json_name = "confirmations"];
message Transaction {
@ -725,11 +868,25 @@ message SendRequest {
send the payment.
FeeLimit fee_limit = 8;
The channel id of the channel that must be taken to the first hop. If zero,
any channel may be used.
uint64 outgoing_chan_id = 9;
An optional maximum total time lock for the route. If zero, there is no
maximum enforced.
uint32 cltv_limit = 10;
message SendResponse {
string payment_error = 1 [json_name = "payment_error"];
bytes payment_preimage = 2 [json_name = "payment_preimage"];
Route payment_route = 3 [json_name = "payment_route"];
bytes payment_hash = 4 [json_name = "payment_hash"];
message SendToRouteRequest {
@ -739,8 +896,16 @@ message SendToRouteRequest {
/// An optional hex-encoded payment hash to be used for the HTLC.
string payment_hash_string = 2;
/// The set of routes that should be used to attempt to complete the payment.
repeated Route routes = 3;
Deprecated. The set of routes that should be used to attempt to complete the
payment. The possibility to pass in multiple routes is deprecated and
instead the single route field below should be used in combination with the
streaming variant of SendToRoute.
repeated Route routes = 3 [deprecated = true];
/// Route that should be used to attempt to complete the payment.
Route route = 4;
message ChannelPoint {
@ -756,6 +921,17 @@ message ChannelPoint {
uint32 output_index = 3 [json_name = "output_index"];
message OutPoint {
/// Raw bytes representing the transaction id.
bytes txid_bytes = 1 [json_name = "txid_bytes"];
/// Reversed, hex-encoded string representing the transaction id.
string txid_str = 2 [json_name = "txid_str"];
/// The index of the output on the transaction.
uint32 output_index = 3 [json_name = "output_index"];
message LightningAddress {
/// The identity pubkey of the Lightning node
string pubkey = 1 [json_name = "pubkey"];
@ -764,6 +940,22 @@ message LightningAddress {
string host = 2 [json_name = "host"];
message EstimateFeeRequest {
/// The map from addresses to amounts for the transaction.
map<string, int64> AddrToAmount = 1;
/// The target number of blocks that this transaction should be confirmed by.
int32 target_conf = 2;
message EstimateFeeResponse {
/// The total fee in satoshis.
int64 fee_sat = 1 [json_name = "fee_sat"];
/// The fee rate in satoshi/byte.
int64 feerate_sat_per_byte = 2 [json_name = "feerate_sat_per_byte"];
message SendManyRequest {
/// The map from addresses to amounts
map<string, int64> AddrToAmount = 1;
@ -791,24 +983,45 @@ message SendCoinsRequest {
/// A manual fee rate set in sat/byte that should be used when crafting the transaction.
int64 sat_per_byte = 5;
If set, then the amount field will be ignored, and lnd will attempt to
send all the coins under control of the internal wallet to the specified
bool send_all = 6;
message SendCoinsResponse {
/// The transaction ID of the transaction
string txid = 1 [json_name = "txid"];
message ListUnspentRequest {
/// The minimum number of confirmations to be included.
int32 min_confs = 1;
/// The maximum number of confirmations to be included.
int32 max_confs = 2;
message ListUnspentResponse {
/// A list of utxos
repeated Utxo utxos = 1 [json_name = "utxos"];
`AddressType` has to be one of:
- `p2wkh`: Pay to witness key hash (`WITNESS_PUBKEY_HASH` = 0)
- `np2wkh`: Pay to nested witness key hash (`NESTED_PUBKEY_HASH` = 1)
message NewAddressRequest {
enum AddressType {
enum AddressType {
message NewAddressRequest {
/// The address type
AddressType type = 1;
@ -938,14 +1151,19 @@ message Channel {
repeated HTLC pending_htlcs = 15 [json_name = "pending_htlcs"];
The CSV delay expressed in relative blocks. If the channel is force
closed, we'll need to wait for this many blocks before we can regain our
The CSV delay expressed in relative blocks. If the channel is force closed,
we will need to wait for this many blocks before we can regain our funds.
uint32 csv_delay = 16 [json_name = "csv_delay"];
/// Whether this channel is advertised to the network or not
/// Whether this channel is advertised to the network or not.
bool private = 17 [json_name = "private"];
/// True if we were the ones that created the channel.
bool initiator = 18 [json_name = "initiator"];
/// A set of flags showing the current state of the cahnnel.
string chan_status_flags = 19 [json_name = "chan_status_flags"];
@ -1038,6 +1256,26 @@ message Peer {
/// Ping time to this peer
int64 ping_time = 9 [json_name = "ping_time"];
enum SyncType {
Denotes that we cannot determine the peer's current sync type.
Denotes that we are actively receiving new graph updates from the peer.
Denotes that we are not receiving new graph updates from the peer.
// The type of sync we are currently performing with this peer.
SyncType sync_type = 10 [json_name = "sync_type"];
message ListPeersRequest {
@ -1075,11 +1313,13 @@ message GetInfoResponse {
/// Whether the wallet's view is synced to the main chain
bool synced_to_chain = 9 [json_name = "synced_to_chain"];
/// Whether the current node is connected to testnet
bool testnet = 10 [json_name = "testnet"];
Whether the current node is connected to testnet. This field is
deprecated and the network field should be used instead
bool testnet = 10 [json_name = "testnet", deprecated = true];
/// A list of active chains the node is connected to
repeated string chains = 11 [json_name = "chains"];
reserved 11;
/// The URIs of the current node.
repeated string uris = 12 [json_name = "uris"];
@ -1092,6 +1332,17 @@ message GetInfoResponse {
/// Number of inactive channels
uint32 num_inactive_channels = 15 [json_name = "num_inactive_channels"];
/// A list of active chains the node is connected to
repeated Chain chains = 16 [json_name = "chains"];
message Chain {
/// The blockchain the node is on (eg bitcoin, litecoin)
string chain = 1 [json_name = "chain"];
/// The network the node is on (eg regtest, testnet, mainnet)
string network = 2 [json_name = "network"];
message ConfirmationUpdate {
@ -1132,7 +1383,6 @@ message CloseChannelRequest {
message CloseStatusUpdate {
oneof update {
PendingUpdate close_pending = 1 [json_name = "close_pending"];
ConfirmationUpdate confirmation = 2 [json_name = "confirmation"];
ChannelCloseUpdate chan_close = 3 [json_name = "chan_close"];
@ -1179,7 +1429,6 @@ message OpenChannelRequest {
message OpenStatusUpdate {
oneof update {
PendingUpdate chan_pending = 1 [json_name = "chan_pending"];
ConfirmationUpdate confirmation = 2 [json_name = "confirmation"];
ChannelOpenUpdate chan_open = 3 [json_name = "chan_open"];
@ -1306,6 +1555,27 @@ message PendingChannelsResponse {
repeated WaitingCloseChannel waiting_close_channels = 5 [ json_name = "waiting_close_channels" ];
message ChannelEventSubscription {
message ChannelEventUpdate {
oneof channel {
Channel open_channel = 1 [ json_name = "open_channel" ];
ChannelCloseSummary closed_channel = 2 [ json_name = "closed_channel" ];
ChannelPoint active_channel = 3 [ json_name = "active_channel" ];
ChannelPoint inactive_channel = 4 [ json_name = "inactive_channel" ];
enum UpdateType {
UpdateType type = 5 [ json_name = "type" ];
message WalletBalanceRequest {
message WalletBalanceResponse {
@ -1336,8 +1606,11 @@ message QueryRoutesRequest {
/// The amount to send expressed in satoshis
int64 amt = 2;
/// The max number of routes to return.
int32 num_routes = 3;
Deprecated. The max number of routes to return. In the future, QueryRoutes
will only return a single route.
int32 num_routes = 3 [deprecated = true];
/// An optional CLTV delta from the current height that should be used for the timelock of the final hop
int32 final_cltv_delta = 4;
@ -1349,7 +1622,37 @@ message QueryRoutesRequest {
send the payment.
FeeLimit fee_limit = 5;
A list of nodes to ignore during path finding.
repeated bytes ignored_nodes = 6;
A list of edges to ignore during path finding.
repeated EdgeLocator ignored_edges = 7;
The source node where the request route should originated from. If empty,
self is assumed.
string source_pub_key = 8;
message EdgeLocator {
/// The short channel id of this edge.
uint64 channel_id = 1;
The direction of this edge. If direction_reverse is false, the direction
of this edge is from the channel endpoint with the lexicographically smaller
pub key to the endpoint with the larger pub key. If direction_reverse is
is true, the edge goes the other way.
bool direction_reverse = 2;
message QueryRoutesResponse {
repeated Route routes = 1 [json_name = "routes"];
@ -1468,6 +1771,7 @@ message RoutingPolicy {
int64 fee_base_msat = 3 [json_name = "fee_base_msat"];
int64 fee_rate_milli_msat = 4 [json_name = "fee_rate_milli_msat"];
bool disabled = 5 [json_name = "disabled"];
uint64 max_htlc_msat = 6 [json_name = "max_htlc_msat"];
@ -1540,6 +1844,7 @@ message NetworkInfo {
double avg_channel_size = 7 [json_name = "avg_channel_size"];
int64 min_channel_size = 8 [json_name = "min_channel_size"];
int64 max_channel_size = 9 [json_name = "max_channel_size"];
int64 median_channel_size_sat = 10 [json_name = "median_channel_size_sat"];
// TODO(roasbeef): fee rate info, expiry
// * also additional RPC for tracking fee info once in
@ -1626,8 +1931,10 @@ message Invoice {
string memo = 1 [json_name = "memo"];
/// An optional cryptographic receipt of payment
bytes receipt = 2 [json_name = "receipt"];
/** Deprecated. An optional cryptographic receipt of payment which is not
bytes receipt = 2 [json_name = "receipt", deprecated = true];
The hex-encoded preimage (32 byte) which will allow settling an incoming
@ -1642,7 +1949,7 @@ message Invoice {
int64 value = 5 [json_name = "value"];
/// Whether this invoice has been fulfilled
bool settled = 6 [json_name = "settled"];
bool settled = 6 [json_name = "settled", deprecated = true];
/// When this invoice was created
int64 creation_date = 7 [json_name = "creation_date"];
@ -1720,7 +2027,20 @@ message Invoice {
here as well.
int64 amt_paid_msat = 20 [json_name = "amt_paid_msat"];
enum InvoiceState {
OPEN = 0;
The state the invoice is in.
InvoiceState state = 21 [json_name = "state"];
message AddInvoiceResponse {
bytes r_hash = 1 [json_name = "r_hash"];
@ -1953,15 +2273,18 @@ message ForwardingEvent {
/// The outgoing channel ID that carried the preimage that completed the circuit.
uint64 chan_id_out = 4 [json_name = "chan_id_out"];
/// The total amount of the incoming HTLC that created half the circuit.
/// The total amount (in satoshis) of the incoming HTLC that created half the circuit.
uint64 amt_in = 5 [json_name = "amt_in"];
/// The total amount of the outgoign HTLC that created the second half of the circuit.
/// The total amount (in satoshis) of the outgoing HTLC that created the second half of the circuit.
uint64 amt_out = 6 [json_name = "amt_out"];
/// The total fee that this payment circuit carried.
/// The total fee (in satoshis) that this payment circuit carried.
uint64 fee = 7 [json_name = "fee"];
/// The total fee (in milli-satoshis) that this payment circuit carried.
uint64 fee_msat = 8 [json_name = "fee_msat"];
// TODO(roasbeef): add settlement latency?
// * use FPE on the chan id?
// * also list failures?
@ -1973,3 +2296,72 @@ message ForwardingHistoryResponse {
/// The index of the last time in the set of returned forwarding events. Can be used to seek further, pagination style.
uint32 last_offset_index = 2 [json_name = "last_offset_index"];
message ExportChannelBackupRequest {
/// The target chanenl point to obtain a back up for.
ChannelPoint chan_point = 1;
message ChannelBackup {
Identifies the channel that this backup belongs to.
ChannelPoint chan_point = 1 [ json_name = "chan_point" ];
Is an encrypted single-chan backup. this can be passed to
RestoreChannelBackups, or the WalletUnlocker Innit and Unlock methods in
order to trigger the recovery protocol.
bytes chan_backup = 2 [ json_name = "chan_backup" ];
message MultiChanBackup {
Is the set of all channels that are included in this multi-channel backup.
repeated ChannelPoint chan_points = 1 [ json_name = "chan_points" ];
A single encrypted blob containing all the static channel backups of the
channel listed above. This can be stored as a single file or blob, and
safely be replaced with any prior/future versions.
bytes multi_chan_backup = 2 [ json_name = "multi_chan_backup" ];
message ChanBackupExportRequest {}
message ChanBackupSnapshot {
The set of new channels that have been added since the last channel backup
snapshot was requested.
ChannelBackups single_chan_backups = 1 [ json_name = "single_chan_backups" ];
A multi-channel backup that covers all open channels currently known to
MultiChanBackup multi_chan_backup = 2 [ json_name = "multi_chan_backup" ];
message ChannelBackups {
A set of single-chan static channel backups.
repeated ChannelBackup chan_backups = 1 [ json_name = "chan_backups" ];
message RestoreChanBackupRequest {
oneof backup {
ChannelBackups chan_backups = 1 [ json_name = "chan_backups" ];
bytes multi_chan_backup = 2 [ json_name = "multi_chan_backup" ];
message RestoreBackupResponse {}
message ChannelBackupSubscription {}
message VerifyChanBackupResponse {

View File

@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
repeated :cipher_seed_mnemonic, :string, 2
optional :aezeed_passphrase, :bytes, 3
optional :recovery_window, :int32, 4
optional :channel_backups, :message, 5, "lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot"
add_message "lnrpc.InitWalletResponse" do
add_message "lnrpc.UnlockWalletRequest" do
optional :wallet_password, :bytes, 1
optional :recovery_window, :int32, 2
optional :channel_backups, :message, 3, "lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot"
add_message "lnrpc.UnlockWalletResponse" do
@ -33,6 +35,14 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
add_message "lnrpc.ChangePasswordResponse" do
add_message "lnrpc.Utxo" do
optional :type, :enum, 1, "lnrpc.AddressType"
optional :address, :string, 2
optional :amount_sat, :int64, 3
optional :pk_script, :string, 4
optional :outpoint, :message, 5, "lnrpc.OutPoint"
optional :confirmations, :int64, 6
add_message "lnrpc.Transaction" do
optional :tx_hash, :string, 1
optional :amount, :int64, 2
@ -63,16 +73,20 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :payment_request, :string, 6
optional :final_cltv_delta, :int32, 7
optional :fee_limit, :message, 8, "lnrpc.FeeLimit"
optional :outgoing_chan_id, :uint64, 9
optional :cltv_limit, :uint32, 10
add_message "lnrpc.SendResponse" do
optional :payment_error, :string, 1
optional :payment_preimage, :bytes, 2
optional :payment_route, :message, 3, "lnrpc.Route"
optional :payment_hash, :bytes, 4
add_message "lnrpc.SendToRouteRequest" do
optional :payment_hash, :bytes, 1
optional :payment_hash_string, :string, 2
repeated :routes, :message, 3, "lnrpc.Route"
optional :route, :message, 4, "lnrpc.Route"
add_message "lnrpc.ChannelPoint" do
optional :output_index, :uint32, 3
@ -81,10 +95,23 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :funding_txid_str, :string, 2
add_message "lnrpc.OutPoint" do
optional :txid_bytes, :bytes, 1
optional :txid_str, :string, 2
optional :output_index, :uint32, 3
add_message "lnrpc.LightningAddress" do
optional :pubkey, :string, 1
optional :host, :string, 2
add_message "lnrpc.EstimateFeeRequest" do
map :AddrToAmount, :string, :int64, 1
optional :target_conf, :int32, 2
add_message "lnrpc.EstimateFeeResponse" do
optional :fee_sat, :int64, 1
optional :feerate_sat_per_byte, :int64, 2
add_message "lnrpc.SendManyRequest" do
map :AddrToAmount, :string, :int64, 1
optional :target_conf, :int32, 3
@ -98,16 +125,20 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :amount, :int64, 2
optional :target_conf, :int32, 3
optional :sat_per_byte, :int64, 5
optional :send_all, :bool, 6
add_message "lnrpc.SendCoinsResponse" do
optional :txid, :string, 1
add_message "lnrpc.NewAddressRequest" do
optional :type, :enum, 1, "lnrpc.NewAddressRequest.AddressType"
add_message "lnrpc.ListUnspentRequest" do
optional :min_confs, :int32, 1
optional :max_confs, :int32, 2
add_enum "lnrpc.NewAddressRequest.AddressType" do
add_message "lnrpc.ListUnspentResponse" do
repeated :utxos, :message, 1, "lnrpc.Utxo"
add_message "lnrpc.NewAddressRequest" do
optional :type, :enum, 1, "lnrpc.AddressType"
add_message "lnrpc.NewAddressResponse" do
optional :address, :string, 1
@ -161,6 +192,8 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
repeated :pending_htlcs, :message, 15, "lnrpc.HTLC"
optional :csv_delay, :uint32, 16
optional :private, :bool, 17
optional :initiator, :bool, 18
optional :chan_status_flags, :string, 19
add_message "lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest" do
optional :active_only, :bool, 1
@ -211,6 +244,12 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :sat_recv, :int64, 7
optional :inbound, :bool, 8
optional :ping_time, :int64, 9
optional :sync_type, :enum, 10, "lnrpc.Peer.SyncType"
add_enum "lnrpc.Peer.SyncType" do
value :UNKNOWN_SYNC, 0
value :ACTIVE_SYNC, 1
value :PASSIVE_SYNC, 2
add_message "lnrpc.ListPeersRequest" do
@ -229,11 +268,15 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :block_hash, :string, 8
optional :synced_to_chain, :bool, 9
optional :testnet, :bool, 10
repeated :chains, :string, 11
repeated :uris, :string, 12
optional :best_header_timestamp, :int64, 13
optional :version, :string, 14
optional :num_inactive_channels, :uint32, 15
repeated :chains, :message, 16, "lnrpc.Chain"
add_message "lnrpc.Chain" do
optional :chain, :string, 1
optional :network, :string, 2
add_message "lnrpc.ConfirmationUpdate" do
optional :block_sha, :bytes, 1
@ -256,7 +299,6 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
add_message "lnrpc.CloseStatusUpdate" do
oneof :update do
optional :close_pending, :message, 1, "lnrpc.PendingUpdate"
optional :confirmation, :message, 2, "lnrpc.ConfirmationUpdate"
optional :chan_close, :message, 3, "lnrpc.ChannelCloseUpdate"
@ -280,7 +322,6 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
add_message "lnrpc.OpenStatusUpdate" do
oneof :update do
optional :chan_pending, :message, 1, "lnrpc.PendingUpdate"
optional :confirmation, :message, 2, "lnrpc.ConfirmationUpdate"
optional :chan_open, :message, 3, "lnrpc.ChannelOpenUpdate"
@ -332,6 +373,23 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :recovered_balance, :int64, 6
repeated :pending_htlcs, :message, 8, "lnrpc.PendingHTLC"
add_message "lnrpc.ChannelEventSubscription" do
add_message "lnrpc.ChannelEventUpdate" do
optional :type, :enum, 5, "lnrpc.ChannelEventUpdate.UpdateType"
oneof :channel do
optional :open_channel, :message, 1, "lnrpc.Channel"
optional :closed_channel, :message, 2, "lnrpc.ChannelCloseSummary"
optional :active_channel, :message, 3, "lnrpc.ChannelPoint"
optional :inactive_channel, :message, 4, "lnrpc.ChannelPoint"
add_enum "lnrpc.ChannelEventUpdate.UpdateType" do
value :OPEN_CHANNEL, 0
add_message "lnrpc.WalletBalanceRequest" do
add_message "lnrpc.WalletBalanceResponse" do
@ -351,6 +409,13 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :num_routes, :int32, 3
optional :final_cltv_delta, :int32, 4
optional :fee_limit, :message, 5, "lnrpc.FeeLimit"
repeated :ignored_nodes, :bytes, 6
repeated :ignored_edges, :message, 7, "lnrpc.EdgeLocator"
optional :source_pub_key, :string, 8
add_message "lnrpc.EdgeLocator" do
optional :channel_id, :uint64, 1
optional :direction_reverse, :bool, 2
add_message "lnrpc.QueryRoutesResponse" do
repeated :routes, :message, 1, "lnrpc.Route"
@ -398,6 +463,7 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :fee_base_msat, :int64, 3
optional :fee_rate_milli_msat, :int64, 4
optional :disabled, :bool, 5
optional :max_htlc_msat, :uint64, 6
add_message "lnrpc.ChannelEdge" do
optional :channel_id, :uint64, 1
@ -431,6 +497,7 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :avg_channel_size, :double, 7
optional :min_channel_size, :int64, 8
optional :max_channel_size, :int64, 9
optional :median_channel_size_sat, :int64, 10
add_message "lnrpc.StopRequest" do
@ -494,6 +561,13 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :amt_paid, :int64, 18
optional :amt_paid_sat, :int64, 19
optional :amt_paid_msat, :int64, 20
optional :state, :enum, 21, "lnrpc.Invoice.InvoiceState"
add_enum "lnrpc.Invoice.InvoiceState" do
value :OPEN, 0
value :SETTLED, 1
value :CANCELED, 2
value :ACCEPTED, 3
add_message "lnrpc.AddInvoiceResponse" do
optional :r_hash, :bytes, 1
@ -603,11 +677,50 @@ Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do
optional :amt_in, :uint64, 5
optional :amt_out, :uint64, 6
optional :fee, :uint64, 7
optional :fee_msat, :uint64, 8
add_message "lnrpc.ForwardingHistoryResponse" do
repeated :forwarding_events, :message, 1, "lnrpc.ForwardingEvent"
optional :last_offset_index, :uint32, 2
add_message "lnrpc.ExportChannelBackupRequest" do
optional :chan_point, :message, 1, "lnrpc.ChannelPoint"
add_message "lnrpc.ChannelBackup" do
optional :chan_point, :message, 1, "lnrpc.ChannelPoint"
optional :chan_backup, :bytes, 2
add_message "lnrpc.MultiChanBackup" do
repeated :chan_points, :message, 1, "lnrpc.ChannelPoint"
optional :multi_chan_backup, :bytes, 2
add_message "lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest" do
add_message "lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot" do
optional :single_chan_backups, :message, 1, "lnrpc.ChannelBackups"
optional :multi_chan_backup, :message, 2, "lnrpc.MultiChanBackup"
add_message "lnrpc.ChannelBackups" do
repeated :chan_backups, :message, 1, "lnrpc.ChannelBackup"
add_message "lnrpc.RestoreChanBackupRequest" do
oneof :backup do
optional :chan_backups, :message, 1, "lnrpc.ChannelBackups"
optional :multi_chan_backup, :bytes, 2
add_message "lnrpc.RestoreBackupResponse" do
add_message "lnrpc.ChannelBackupSubscription" do
add_message "lnrpc.VerifyChanBackupResponse" do
add_enum "lnrpc.AddressType" do
module Lnrpc
@ -619,6 +732,7 @@ module Lnrpc
UnlockWalletResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.UnlockWalletResponse").msgclass
ChangePasswordRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChangePasswordRequest").msgclass
ChangePasswordResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChangePasswordResponse").msgclass
Utxo = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Utxo").msgclass
Transaction = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Transaction").msgclass
GetTransactionsRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.GetTransactionsRequest").msgclass
TransactionDetails = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.TransactionDetails").msgclass
@ -627,13 +741,17 @@ module Lnrpc
SendResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.SendResponse").msgclass
SendToRouteRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.SendToRouteRequest").msgclass
ChannelPoint = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelPoint").msgclass
OutPoint = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.OutPoint").msgclass
LightningAddress = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.LightningAddress").msgclass
EstimateFeeRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.EstimateFeeRequest").msgclass
EstimateFeeResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.EstimateFeeResponse").msgclass
SendManyRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.SendManyRequest").msgclass
SendManyResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.SendManyResponse").msgclass
SendCoinsRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.SendCoinsRequest").msgclass
SendCoinsResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.SendCoinsResponse").msgclass
ListUnspentRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ListUnspentRequest").msgclass
ListUnspentResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ListUnspentResponse").msgclass
NewAddressRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.NewAddressRequest").msgclass
NewAddressRequest::AddressType = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.NewAddressRequest.AddressType").enummodule
NewAddressResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.NewAddressResponse").msgclass
SignMessageRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.SignMessageRequest").msgclass
SignMessageResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.SignMessageResponse").msgclass
@ -652,10 +770,12 @@ module Lnrpc
ClosedChannelsRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ClosedChannelsRequest").msgclass
ClosedChannelsResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ClosedChannelsResponse").msgclass
Peer = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Peer").msgclass
Peer::SyncType = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Peer.SyncType").enummodule
ListPeersRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ListPeersRequest").msgclass
ListPeersResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ListPeersResponse").msgclass
GetInfoRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.GetInfoRequest").msgclass
GetInfoResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.GetInfoResponse").msgclass
Chain = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Chain").msgclass
ConfirmationUpdate = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ConfirmationUpdate").msgclass
ChannelOpenUpdate = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelOpenUpdate").msgclass
ChannelCloseUpdate = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelCloseUpdate").msgclass
@ -672,11 +792,15 @@ module Lnrpc
PendingChannelsResponse::WaitingCloseChannel = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.PendingChannelsResponse.WaitingCloseChannel").msgclass
PendingChannelsResponse::ClosedChannel = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.PendingChannelsResponse.ClosedChannel").msgclass
PendingChannelsResponse::ForceClosedChannel = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.PendingChannelsResponse.ForceClosedChannel").msgclass
ChannelEventSubscription = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelEventSubscription").msgclass
ChannelEventUpdate = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelEventUpdate").msgclass
ChannelEventUpdate::UpdateType = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelEventUpdate.UpdateType").enummodule
WalletBalanceRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.WalletBalanceRequest").msgclass
WalletBalanceResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.WalletBalanceResponse").msgclass
ChannelBalanceRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelBalanceRequest").msgclass
ChannelBalanceResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelBalanceResponse").msgclass
QueryRoutesRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.QueryRoutesRequest").msgclass
EdgeLocator = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.EdgeLocator").msgclass
QueryRoutesResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.QueryRoutesResponse").msgclass
Hop = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Hop").msgclass
Route = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Route").msgclass
@ -701,6 +825,7 @@ module Lnrpc
HopHint = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.HopHint").msgclass
RouteHint = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.RouteHint").msgclass
Invoice = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Invoice").msgclass
Invoice::InvoiceState = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.Invoice.InvoiceState").enummodule
AddInvoiceResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.AddInvoiceResponse").msgclass
PaymentHash = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.PaymentHash").msgclass
ListInvoiceRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ListInvoiceRequest").msgclass
@ -725,4 +850,15 @@ module Lnrpc
ForwardingHistoryRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ForwardingHistoryRequest").msgclass
ForwardingEvent = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ForwardingEvent").msgclass
ForwardingHistoryResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ForwardingHistoryResponse").msgclass
ExportChannelBackupRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ExportChannelBackupRequest").msgclass
ChannelBackup = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelBackup").msgclass
MultiChanBackup = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.MultiChanBackup").msgclass
ChanBackupExportRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChanBackupExportRequest").msgclass
ChanBackupSnapshot = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChanBackupSnapshot").msgclass
ChannelBackups = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelBackups").msgclass
RestoreChanBackupRequest = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.RestoreChanBackupRequest").msgclass
RestoreBackupResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.RestoreBackupResponse").msgclass
ChannelBackupSubscription = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.ChannelBackupSubscription").msgclass
VerifyChanBackupResponse = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.VerifyChanBackupResponse").msgclass
AddressType = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.lookup("lnrpc.AddressType").enummodule

View File

@ -6,6 +6,27 @@ require_relative 'rpc_pb'
module Lnrpc
module WalletUnlocker
# *
# Comments in this file will be directly parsed into the API
# Documentation as descriptions of the associated method, message, or field.
# These descriptions should go right above the definition of the object, and
# can be in either block or /// comment format.
# One edge case exists where a // comment followed by a /// comment in the
# next line will cause the description not to show up in the documentation. In
# that instance, simply separate the two comments with a blank line.
# An RPC method can be matched to an lncli command by placing a line in the
# beginning of the description in exactly the following format:
# lncli: `methodname`
# Failure to specify the exact name of the command will cause documentation
# generation to fail.
# More information on how exactly the gRPC documentation is generated from
# this proto file can be found here:
# https://github.com/lightninglabs/lightning-api
# The WalletUnlocker service is used to set up a wallet password for
# lnd at first startup, and unlock a previously set up wallet.
class Service
@ -74,6 +95,10 @@ module Lnrpc
# GetTransactions returns a list describing all the known transactions
# relevant to the wallet.
rpc :GetTransactions, GetTransactionsRequest, TransactionDetails
# * lncli: `estimatefee`
# EstimateFee asks the chain backend to estimate the fee rate and total fees
# for a transaction that pays to multiple specified outputs.
rpc :EstimateFee, EstimateFeeRequest, EstimateFeeResponse
# * lncli: `sendcoins`
# SendCoins executes a request to send coins to a particular address. Unlike
# SendMany, this RPC call only allows creating a single output at a time. If
@ -81,6 +106,10 @@ module Lnrpc
# consult its fee model to determine a fee for the default confirmation
# target.
rpc :SendCoins, SendCoinsRequest, SendCoinsResponse
# * lncli: `listunspent`
# ListUnspent returns a list of all utxos spendable by the wallet with a
# number of confirmations between the specified minimum and maximum.
rpc :ListUnspent, ListUnspentRequest, ListUnspentResponse
# *
# SubscribeTransactions creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
# the client in which any newly discovered transactions relevant to the
@ -136,6 +165,12 @@ module Lnrpc
# ListChannels returns a description of all the open channels that this node
# is a participant in.
rpc :ListChannels, ListChannelsRequest, ListChannelsResponse
# * lncli: `subscribechannelevents`
# SubscribeChannelEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
# the client in which any updates relevant to the state of the channels are
# sent over. Events include new active channels, inactive channels, and closed
# channels.
rpc :SubscribeChannelEvents, ChannelEventSubscription, stream(ChannelEventUpdate)
# * lncli: `closedchannels`
# ClosedChannels returns a description of all the closed channels that
# this node was a participant in.
@ -201,10 +236,8 @@ module Lnrpc
# paginated responses, allowing users to query for specific invoices through
# their add_index. This can be done by using either the first_index_offset or
# last_index_offset fields included in the response as the index_offset of the
# next request. The reversed flag is set by default in order to paginate
# backwards. If you wish to paginate forwards, you must explicitly set the
# flag to false. If none of the parameters are specified, then the last 100
# invoices will be returned.
# next request. By default, the first 100 invoices created will be returned.
# Backwards pagination is also supported through the Reversed flag.
rpc :ListInvoices, ListInvoiceRequest, ListInvoiceResponse
# * lncli: `lookupinvoice`
# LookupInvoice attempts to look up an invoice according to its payment hash.
@ -290,7 +323,7 @@ module Lnrpc
rpc :UpdateChannelPolicy, PolicyUpdateRequest, PolicyUpdateResponse
# * lncli: `fwdinghistory`
# ForwardingHistory allows the caller to query the htlcswitch for a record of
# all HTLC's forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset
# all HTLCs forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset
# within that time range. If no time-range is specified, then the first chunk
# of the past 24 hrs of forwarding history are returned.
@ -300,6 +333,41 @@ module Lnrpc
# the index offset of the last entry. The index offset can be provided to the
# request to allow the caller to skip a series of records.
rpc :ForwardingHistory, ForwardingHistoryRequest, ForwardingHistoryResponse
# * lncli: `exportchanbackup`
# ExportChannelBackup attempts to return an encrypted static channel backup
# for the target channel identified by it channel point. The backup is
# encrypted with a key generated from the aezeed seed of the user. The
# returned backup can either be restored using the RestoreChannelBackup
# method once lnd is running, or via the InitWallet and UnlockWallet methods
# from the WalletUnlocker service.
rpc :ExportChannelBackup, ExportChannelBackupRequest, ChannelBackup
# *
# ExportAllChannelBackups returns static channel backups for all existing
# channels known to lnd. A set of regular singular static channel backups for
# each channel are returned. Additionally, a multi-channel backup is returned
# as well, which contains a single encrypted blob containing the backups of
# each channel.
rpc :ExportAllChannelBackups, ChanBackupExportRequest, ChanBackupSnapshot
# *
# VerifyChanBackup allows a caller to verify the integrity of a channel backup
# snapshot. This method will accept either a packed Single or a packed Multi.
# Specifying both will result in an error.
rpc :VerifyChanBackup, ChanBackupSnapshot, VerifyChanBackupResponse
# * lncli: `restorechanbackup`
# RestoreChannelBackups accepts a set of singular channel backups, or a
# single encrypted multi-chan backup and attempts to recover any funds
# remaining within the channel. If we are able to unpack the backup, then the
# new channel will be shown under listchannels, as well as pending channels.
rpc :RestoreChannelBackups, RestoreChanBackupRequest, RestoreBackupResponse
# *
# SubscribeChannelBackups allows a client to sub-subscribe to the most up to
# date information concerning the state of all channel backups. Each time a
# new channel is added, we return the new set of channels, along with a
# multi-chan backup containing the backup info for all channels. Each time a
# channel is closed, we send a new update, which contains new new chan back
# ups, but the updated set of encrypted multi-chan backups with the closed
# channel(s) removed.
rpc :SubscribeChannelBackups, ChannelBackupSubscription, stream(ChanBackupSnapshot)
Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class