require "lnrpc" # establish a connection lnd = # use defaults for credentials, macaroon and address # get basic info get_info_res = lnd.lightning.get_info puts get_info_res.alias # get wallet balance puts lnd.lightning.wallet_balance.total_balance # pay an invoice pay_request = "lntb50u1pw9mmndpp5nvnff958pxc9eqknwntyxapjw7l5grt5e2y70cmmnu0lljfa0sdqdpsgfkx7cmtwd68yetpd5s9xct5v4kxc6t5v5s8yatz0ysxwetdcqzysxqyz5vqjkhlyn40z76gyn7dx32p9j58dftve9xrlvnqqazht7w2fdauukhyhr9y4k3ngjn8s6srglj8swk7tm70ng54wdkq47ahytpwffvaeusp500csz" pay_request) # or: lnd.router.send_payment_v2(payment_request: pay_request) # keysend payment dest = Lnrpc.to_byte_array('038474ec195f497cf4036e5994bd820dd365bb0aaa7fb42bd9b536913a1a2dcc9e') lnd.keysend(dest: dest, amt: 1000) # create invoice invoice_res = lnd.lightning.add_invoice(value: 1000, memo: 'I :heart: ruby') puts invoice_res.payment_request # get fee estimates puts lnd.versioner.get_version puts lnd.wallet_kit.estimate_fee(conf_target: 10) puts lnd.wallet_kit.next_addr # print incoming invoices lnd.lightning.subscribe_invoices(settle_index: 1).each do |invoice| puts invoice.payment_request end # sign a message with your node signed_message = lnd.lightning.sign_message({ msg: "Money printer goes brrr" }) puts "Signature: " + signed_message.signature # verify a signed message by another node verification_response = lnd.lightning.verify_message({ msg: "Money printer goes brrr", signature: signed_message.signature }) puts "Pubkey: " + verification_response.pubkey # pubkey of the node that signed puts "Valid: " + verification_response.valid.to_s # get information on a node node_info_response = lnd.lightning.get_node_info(pub_key: verification_response.pubkey, include_channels: true) puts "Updated: " + puts "Pubkey: " + node_info_response.node.pub_key.to_s puts "Alias: " + node_info_response.node.alias.to_s puts "Color: " + node_info_response.node.color.to_s puts "Channels: " + node_info_response.num_channels.to_s puts "Capacity SAT: " + node_info_response.total_capacity.to_s puts "Address: " + node_info_response.node.addresses.first["addr"].to_s # extract channel information node_info_response.channels.each do |channel| puts "Channel ID: " + channel["channel_id"].to_s puts "Channel 1:" + channel["node1_pub"].to_s # pubkey of the first node puts "Channel 2:" + channel["node2_pub"].to_s # pubkey of the second node puts "Channel Capacity:" + channel["capacity"].to_s end # update channel policy channel = lnd.lightning.list_channels.channels[0] puts lnd.lightning.get_chan_info(chan_id: channel.chan_id) channel_point = { funding_txid_str: channel.channel_point.split(":")[0], output_index: channel.channel_point.split(":")[1].to_i } lnd.lightning.update_channel_policy({ time_lock_delta: 40, base_fee_msat: 1100, chan_point: channel_point }) # peer node address = {pubkey: "03423790614f023e3c0cdaa654a3578e919947e4c3a14bf5044e7c787ebd11af1a", host: ""} response = lnd.lightning.connect_peer(addr: address) # open channel # note: Lnrpc needs to connect with an admin macaroon, and the node needs to be an existing peer. pubkey = Lnrpc.to_byte_array("031f2669adab71548fad4432277a0d90233e3bc07ac29cfb0b3e01bd3fb26cb9fa") response = lnd.lightning.open_channel({node_pubkey: pubkey, local_funding_amount: 21000}) # extract details from a lightning invoice lightning_invoice = "lnbc990..." # created by payee invoice_details = lnd.lightning.decode_pay_req({pay_req: lightning_invoice}) puts invoice_details.inspect puts "Destination: " + invoice_details.destination.to_s puts "Amount Sats: " + invoice_details.num_satoshis.to_s puts "Description: " + invoice_details.description.to_s puts "Created At: " + puts "Expiry Hours: " + (invoice_details.expiry/3600).to_s puts "Payment Hash: " + invoice_details.payment_hash.to_s # Payment hash should match a hashed version of the preimage preimage = "f2a3a..." # known by payee, and revealed to the payer only if payment is successful puts "Payment verified!" if invoice_details.payment_hash == Digest::SHA256.hexdigest([preimage].pack("H*"))