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# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
# Source: invoicesrpc/invoices.proto for package 'invoicesrpc'
require 'grpc'
require 'invoicesrpc/invoices_pb'
module Invoicesrpc
module Invoices
# Invoices is a service that can be used to create, accept, settle and cancel
# invoices.
class Service
include ::GRPC::GenericService
self.marshal_class_method = :encode
self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
self.service_name = 'invoicesrpc.Invoices'
# SubscribeSingleInvoice returns a uni-directional stream (server -> client)
# to notify the client of state transitions of the specified invoice.
# Initially the current invoice state is always sent out.
rpc :SubscribeSingleInvoice, ::Invoicesrpc::SubscribeSingleInvoiceRequest, stream(::Lnrpc::Invoice)
# CancelInvoice cancels a currently open invoice. If the invoice is already
# canceled, this call will succeed. If the invoice is already settled, it will
# fail.
rpc :CancelInvoice, ::Invoicesrpc::CancelInvoiceMsg, ::Invoicesrpc::CancelInvoiceResp
# AddHoldInvoice creates a hold invoice. It ties the invoice to the hash
# supplied in the request.
rpc :AddHoldInvoice, ::Invoicesrpc::AddHoldInvoiceRequest, ::Invoicesrpc::AddHoldInvoiceResp
# SettleInvoice settles an accepted invoice. If the invoice is already
# settled, this call will succeed.
rpc :SettleInvoice, ::Invoicesrpc::SettleInvoiceMsg, ::Invoicesrpc::SettleInvoiceResp
# LookupInvoiceV2 attempts to look up at invoice. An invoice can be refrenced
# using either its payment hash, payment address, or set ID.
rpc :LookupInvoiceV2, ::Invoicesrpc::LookupInvoiceMsg, ::Lnrpc::Invoice
Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class