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# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
# Source: neutrinorpc/neutrino.proto for package 'neutrinorpc'
require 'grpc'
require 'neutrinorpc/neutrino_pb'
module Neutrinorpc
module NeutrinoKit
# NeutrinoKit is a service that can be used to get information about the
# current state of the neutrino instance, fetch blocks and add/remove peers.
class Service
include ::GRPC::GenericService
self.marshal_class_method = :encode
self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
self.service_name = 'neutrinorpc.NeutrinoKit'
# Status returns the status of the light client neutrino instance,
# along with height and hash of the best block, and a list of connected
# peers.
rpc :Status, ::Neutrinorpc::StatusRequest, ::Neutrinorpc::StatusResponse
# AddPeer adds a new peer that has already been connected to the server.
rpc :AddPeer, ::Neutrinorpc::AddPeerRequest, ::Neutrinorpc::AddPeerResponse
# DisconnectPeer disconnects a peer by target address. Both outbound and
# inbound nodes will be searched for the target node. An error message will
# be returned if the peer was not found.
rpc :DisconnectPeer, ::Neutrinorpc::DisconnectPeerRequest, ::Neutrinorpc::DisconnectPeerResponse
# IsBanned returns true if the peer is banned, otherwise false.
rpc :IsBanned, ::Neutrinorpc::IsBannedRequest, ::Neutrinorpc::IsBannedResponse
# GetBlockHeader returns a block header with a particular block hash.
rpc :GetBlockHeader, ::Neutrinorpc::GetBlockHeaderRequest, ::Neutrinorpc::GetBlockHeaderResponse
# GetBlock returns a block with a particular block hash.
rpc :GetBlock, ::Neutrinorpc::GetBlockRequest, ::Neutrinorpc::GetBlockResponse
# GetCFilter returns a compact filter from a block.
rpc :GetCFilter, ::Neutrinorpc::GetCFilterRequest, ::Neutrinorpc::GetCFilterResponse
Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class