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# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
# Source: signrpc/signer.proto for package 'signrpc'
require 'grpc'
require 'signrpc/signer_pb'
module Signrpc
module Signer
# Signer is a service that gives access to the signing functionality of the
# daemon's wallet.
class Service
include GRPC::GenericService
self.marshal_class_method = :encode
self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
self.service_name = 'signrpc.Signer'
# SignOutputRaw is a method that can be used to generated a signature for a
# set of inputs/outputs to a transaction. Each request specifies details
# concerning how the outputs should be signed, which keys they should be
# signed with, and also any optional tweaks. The return value is a fixed
# 64-byte signature (the same format as we use on the wire in Lightning).
# If we are unable to sign using the specified keys, then an error will be
# returned.
rpc :SignOutputRaw, SignReq, SignResp
# ComputeInputScript generates a complete InputIndex for the passed
# transaction with the signature as defined within the passed SignDescriptor.
# This method should be capable of generating the proper input script for
# both regular p2wkh output and p2wkh outputs nested within a regular p2sh
# output.
# Note that when using this method to sign inputs belonging to the wallet,
# the only items of the SignDescriptor that need to be populated are pkScript
# in the TxOut field, the value in that same field, and finally the input
# index.
rpc :ComputeInputScript, SignReq, InputScriptResp
# SignMessage signs a message with the key specified in the key locator. The
# returned signature is fixed-size LN wire format encoded.
# The main difference to SignMessage in the main RPC is that a specific key is
# used to sign the message instead of the node identity private key.
rpc :SignMessage, SignMessageReq, SignMessageResp
# VerifyMessage verifies a signature over a message using the public key
# provided. The signature must be fixed-size LN wire format encoded.
# The main difference to VerifyMessage in the main RPC is that the public key
# used to sign the message does not have to be a node known to the network.
rpc :VerifyMessage, VerifyMessageReq, VerifyMessageResp
# DeriveSharedKey returns a shared secret key by performing Diffie-Hellman key
# derivation between the ephemeral public key in the request and the node's
# key specified in the key_loc parameter (or the node's identity private key
# if no key locator is specified):
# P_shared = privKeyNode * ephemeralPubkey
# The resulting shared public key is serialized in the compressed format and
# hashed with sha256, resulting in the final key length of 256bit.
rpc :DeriveSharedKey, SharedKeyRequest, SharedKeyResponse
Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class