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# Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
# Source: router.proto for package 'routerrpc'
require 'grpc'
require_relative 'router_pb'
module Routerrpc
module Router
class Service
include GRPC::GenericService
self.marshal_class_method = :encode
self.unmarshal_class_method = :decode
self.service_name = 'routerrpc.Router'
# *
# SendPaymentV2 attempts to route a payment described by the passed
# PaymentRequest to the final destination. The call returns a stream of
# payment updates.
rpc :SendPaymentV2, SendPaymentRequest, stream(Lnrpc::Payment)
# *
# TrackPaymentV2 returns an update stream for the payment identified by the
# payment hash.
rpc :TrackPaymentV2, TrackPaymentRequest, stream(Lnrpc::Payment)
# *
# EstimateRouteFee allows callers to obtain a lower bound w.r.t how much it
# may cost to send an HTLC to the target end destination.
rpc :EstimateRouteFee, RouteFeeRequest, RouteFeeResponse
# *
# SendToRoute attempts to make a payment via the specified route. This method
# differs from SendPayment in that it allows users to specify a full route
# manually. This can be used for things like rebalancing, and atomic swaps.
rpc :SendToRoute, SendToRouteRequest, SendToRouteResponse
# *
# ResetMissionControl clears all mission control state and starts with a clean
# slate.
rpc :ResetMissionControl, ResetMissionControlRequest, ResetMissionControlResponse
# *
# QueryMissionControl exposes the internal mission control state to callers.
# It is a development feature.
rpc :QueryMissionControl, QueryMissionControlRequest, QueryMissionControlResponse
# *
# QueryProbability returns the current success probability estimate for a
# given node pair and amount.
rpc :QueryProbability, QueryProbabilityRequest, QueryProbabilityResponse
# *
# BuildRoute builds a fully specified route based on a list of hop public
# keys. It retrieves the relevant channel policies from the graph in order to
# calculate the correct fees and time locks.
rpc :BuildRoute, BuildRouteRequest, BuildRouteResponse
# *
# SubscribeHtlcEvents creates a uni-directional stream from the server to
# the client which delivers a stream of htlc events.
rpc :SubscribeHtlcEvents, SubscribeHtlcEventsRequest, stream(HtlcEvent)
# *
# Deprecated, use SendPaymentV2. SendPayment attempts to route a payment
# described by the passed PaymentRequest to the final destination. The call
# returns a stream of payment status updates.
rpc :SendPayment, SendPaymentRequest, stream(PaymentStatus)
# *
# Deprecated, use TrackPaymentV2. TrackPayment returns an update stream for
# the payment identified by the payment hash.
rpc :TrackPayment, TrackPaymentRequest, stream(PaymentStatus)
Stub = Service.rpc_stub_class