
42 lines
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# frozen_string_literal: true
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# For details on the DSL available within this file, see https://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html
resources :forms do
member do
get :form
get :setup
get :notification
resources :submissions
# short link for submission file uploads
# we add the filename as part of the URL which allows e.g. Airtable to identify and name the file properly
# the constraint makes sure that a . (dot) can be in the filename. e.g. cat.jpg
get '/s/:form_id/:submission_id/:id(/:filename)' => 'file_uploads#show', :as => :file_upload, :constraints => { filename: %r{[^/]+} }
# form post url to save new submissions
post '/s/:form_id' => 'submissions#create', :as => :submission
# short URL for form page
get '/s/:id/form' => 'forms#form', :as => :form_submitter
get 'oauth/callback', to: 'oauths#callback'
get 'oauth/:provider', to: 'oauths#oauth', as: :auth_at_provider
get '/signup' => 'sessions#signup', :as => :signup
get '/login' => 'sessions#new', :as => :login
get '/logout' => 'sessions#destroy', :as => :logout
get '/auth' => 'sessions#auth', :as => :auth
get '/demo(/:backend)' => 'home#demo', :as => :demo
get '/contact', to: redirect('/#contact-us'), as: :contact
get '/help', to: redirect('https://www.notion.so/Tinyforms-Help-Center-04f13b5908bc46cfb4283079a3cb1149')
get '/privacy', to: redirect('https://www.notion.so/Privacy-Policy-f4bd2d6c8e7742bbb9ca1c952aec0379')
get '/terms', to: redirect('https://www.notion.so/Terms-and-Conditions-d73fd11089164eac91ede8ab4b4da5b3')
get '/form-building-service', to: redirect('https://www.notion.so/Tinyforms-Help-Center-04f13b5908bc46cfb4283079a3cb1149')
root 'home#index'