
56 lines
3.3 KiB

"name": "zerotier",
"description": "Installs/Configures ZeroTier",
"long_description": "ZeroTier Cookbook\n==================\n\nThis is a [Chef]( cookbook to manage [ZeroTier]( networks on your Chef nodes.\n\nSupported Platforms\n---------------------\n* Debian\n* Ubuntu\n* CentOS\n* RHEL\n* Amazon\n\nRecipes\n---------------------\n`zerotier::default`\n\nDefault recipe. Calls `zerotier::install`\n\n`zerotier::install` \n\nInstall's ZeroTier One on your system via the native package management system.\n\n`zerotier::ohai_plugin` \n\nInstalls the Ohai plugin for ZeroTier. This is required by the provided LWRP `zerotier_network`.\n\n`zerotier::join_networks`\n\nShortcut to automatically join networks stored in attributes (See example in the Attributes section below)\n\nAttributes\n---------------------\n`node['zerotier']['install_version']` \n\nVersion of ZeroTier to install. Empty by default and defaults to the latest version available.\n\n`node['zerotier']['central_url']`\n\nURL to the instance of the ZeroTier Central controller. Defaults to Will be useful in the future when Central is distributable to our enterprise customers.\n\n`node['zerotier']['public_autojoin']`\n\nList of *public* networks to automatically join when using the `zerotier::join_networks` recipe. These networks do not require any interaction with the network controller.\n\n`node['zerotier']['private_autojoin']`\n\nList of *private* networks to automatically join when using the `zerotier::join_networks` recipe. Joining a private network requires an API Access Token generated at Each member of the list is a hash as follows:\n\n```\n{\n\t:network_id => \"your_network_id\",\n :auth_token => \"your_auth_token\", # API access token generated at\n :central_url => \"URL_to_central_instance\" # Not required. Defaults to\n}\n```\n\nLWRP\n---------------------\nThe ZeroTier recpie provides the `zerotier_network` lwrp\n\nAttributes:\n\n- network_id - Network ID to join. defaults to the name attribute.\n- node_name - Name of the node to put in (only applicable when joining a private network)\n- auth_token - API access token generated in your account at Required if you wish to automatically authorize the node to join the network.\n- central_url - URL to the instance of ZeroTier Central. Defaults to\n- action - `:join` or `:leave`. Defaults to `:join`\n",
"maintainer": "Grant Limberg",
"maintainer_email": "",
"license": "GPL v3",
"platforms": {
"redhat": ">= 0.0.0",
"centos": ">= 0.0.0",
"amazon": ">= 0.0.0",
"ubuntu": ">= 0.0.0",
"debian": ">= 0.0.0"
"dependencies": {
"ohai": ">= 0.0.0"
"recommendations": {
"suggestions": {
"conflicting": {
"providing": {
"replacing": {
"attributes": {
"groupings": {
"recipes": {
"version": "1.0.7",
"source_url": "",
"issues_url": "",
"privacy": false,
"chef_versions": [
"ohai_versions": [
"gems": [