
25 lines
810 B

name 'kosmos_gitea'
maintainer 'Kosmos Developers'
maintainer_email ''
license 'MIT'
description 'Installs/Configures kosmos_gitea'
long_description 'Installs/Configures kosmos_gitea'
version '0.1.0'
chef_version '>= 14.0'
# The `issues_url` points to the location where issues for this cookbook are
# tracked. A `View Issues` link will be displayed on this cookbook's page when
# uploaded to a Supermarket.
# issues_url '<insert_org_here>/kosmos_gitea/issues'
# The `source_url` points to the development repository for this cookbook. A
# `View Source` link will be displayed on this cookbook's page when uploaded to
# a Supermarket.
# source_url '<insert_org_here>/kosmos_gitea'
depends "kosmos-nginx"
depends "kosmos_postgresql"
depends "backup"