
289 lines
13 KiB

# Author:: Sölvi Páll Ásgeirsson (<>)
# Author:: Richard Lavey (
# Author:: Tim Smith (
# Cookbook:: windows
# Resource:: share
# Copyright:: 2014-2017, Sölvi Páll Ásgeirsson.
# Copyright:: 2018, Chef Software, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
chef_version_for_provides '< 14.7' if respond_to?(:chef_version_for_provides)
resource_name :windows_share
require 'chef/json_compat'
require 'chef/util/path_helper'
# Specifies a name for the SMB share. The name may be composed of any valid file name characters, but must be less than 80 characters long. The names pipe and mailslot are reserved for use by the computer.
property :share_name, String, name_property: true
# Specifies the path of the location of the folder to share. The path must be fully qualified. Relative paths or paths that contain wildcard characters are not permitted.
property :path, String
# Specifies an optional description of the SMB share. A description of the share is displayed by running the Get-SmbShare cmdlet. The description may not contain more than 256 characters.
property :description, String, default: ''
# Specifies which accounts are granted full permission to access the share. Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple accounts. An account may not be specified more than once in the FullAccess, ChangeAccess, or ReadAccess parameter lists, but may be specified once in the FullAccess, ChangeAccess, or ReadAccess parameter list and once in the NoAccess parameter list.
property :full_users, Array, default: [], coerce: proc { |u| u.sort }
# Specifies which users are granted modify permission to access the share
property :change_users, Array, default: [], coerce: proc { |u| u.sort }
# Specifies which users are granted read permission to access the share. Multiple users can be specified by supplying a comma-separated list.
property :read_users, Array, default: [], coerce: proc { |u| u.sort }
# Specifies the lifetime of the new SMB share. A temporary share does not persist beyond the next restart of the computer. By default, new SMB shares are persistent, and non-temporary.
property :temporary, [true, false], default: false
# Specifies the scope name of the share.
property :scope_name, String, default: '*'
# Specifies the continuous availability time-out for the share.
property :ca_timeout, Integer, default: 0
# Indicates that the share is continuously available.
property :continuously_available, [true, false], default: false
# Specifies the caching mode of the offline files for the SMB share.
# property :caching_mode, String, equal_to: %w(None Manual Documents Programs BranchCache)
# Specifies the maximum number of concurrently connected users that the new SMB share may accommodate. If this parameter is set to zero (0), then the number of users is unlimited.
property :concurrent_user_limit, Integer, default: 0
# Indicates that the share is encrypted.
property :encrypt_data, [true, false], default: false
# Specifies which files and folders in the SMB share are visible to users. AccessBased: SMB does not the display the files and folders for a share to a user unless that user has rights to access the files and folders. By default, access-based enumeration is disabled for new SMB shares. Unrestricted: SMB displays files and folders to a user even when the user does not have permission to access the items.
# property :folder_enumeration_mode, String, equal_to: %(AccessBased Unrestricted)
include Chef::Mixin::PowershellOut
load_current_value do |desired|
# this command selects individual objects because EncryptData & CachingMode have underlying
# types that get converted to their Integer values by ConvertTo-Json & we need to make sure
# those get written out as strings
share_state_cmd = "Get-SmbShare -Name '#{desired.share_name}' | Select-Object Name,Path, Description, Temporary, CATimeout, ContinuouslyAvailable, ConcurrentUserLimit, EncryptData | ConvertTo-Json"
Chef::Log.debug("Running '#{share_state_cmd}' to determine share state'")
ps_results = powershell_out(share_state_cmd)
# detect a failure without raising and then set current_resource to nil
if ps_results.error?
Chef::Log.debug("Error fetching share state: #{ps_results.stderr}")
Chef::Log.debug("The Get-SmbShare results were #{ps_results.stdout}")
results = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(ps_results.stdout)
path results['Path']
description results['Description']
temporary results['Temporary']
ca_timeout results['CATimeout']
continuously_available results['ContinuouslyAvailable']
# caching_mode results['CachingMode']
concurrent_user_limit results['ConcurrentUserLimit']
encrypt_data results['EncryptData']
# folder_enumeration_mode results['FolderEnumerationMode']
perm_state_cmd = %(Get-SmbShareAccess -Name "#{desired.share_name}" | Select-Object AccountName,AccessControlType,AccessRight | ConvertTo-Json)
Chef::Log.debug("Running '#{perm_state_cmd}' to determine share permissions state'")
ps_perm_results = powershell_out(perm_state_cmd)
# we raise here instead of warning like above because we'd only get here if the above Get-SmbShare
# command was successful and that continuing would leave us with 1/2 known state
raise "Could not determine #{desired.share_name} share permissions by running '#{perm_state_cmd}'" if ps_perm_results.error?
Chef::Log.debug("The Get-SmbShareAccess results were #{ps_perm_results.stdout}")
f_users, c_users, r_users = parse_permissions(ps_perm_results.stdout)
full_users f_users
change_users c_users
read_users r_users
def after_created
raise 'The windows_share resource relies on PowerShell cmdlets not present in Windows releases prior to 8/2012. Cannot continue!' if node['platform_version'].to_f < 6.3
# given the string output of Get-SmbShareAccess parse out
# arrays of full access users, change users, and read only users
def parse_permissions(results_string)
json_results = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json(results_string)
json_results = [json_results] unless json_results.is_a?(Array) # single result is not an array
f_users = []
c_users = []
r_users = []
json_results.each do |perm|
next unless perm['AccessControlType'] == 0 # allow
case perm['AccessRight']
when 0 then f_users << stripped_account(perm['AccountName']) # 0 full control
when 1 then c_users << stripped_account(perm['AccountName']) # 1 == change
when 2 then r_users << stripped_account(perm['AccountName']) # 2 == read
[f_users, c_users, r_users]
# local names are returned from Get-SmbShareAccess in the full format MACHINE\\NAME
# but users of this resource would simply say NAME so we need to strip the values for comparison
def stripped_account(name)
action :create do
# we do this here instead of requiring the property because :delete doesn't need path set
raise 'No path property set' unless new_resource.path
converge_if_changed do
# you can't actually change the path so you have to delete the old share first
if different_path?
Chef::Log.debug('The path has changed so we will delete and recreate share')
elsif current_resource.nil?
# powershell cmdlet for create is different than updates
Chef::Log.debug('The current resource is nil so we will create a new share')
Chef::Log.debug('The current resource was not nil so we will update an existing share')
# creating the share does not set permissions so we need to update
action :delete do
if current_resource.nil?
Chef::Log.debug("#{new_resource.share_name} does not exist - nothing to do")
converge_by("delete #{new_resource.share_name}") do
action_class do
def different_path?
return false if current_resource.nil? # going from nil to something isn't different for our concerns
return false if current_resource.path == Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath(new_resource.path)
def delete_share
delete_command = "Remove-SmbShare -Name '#{new_resource.share_name}' -Force"
Chef::Log.debug("Running '#{delete_command}' to remove the share")
def update_share
update_command = "Set-SmbShare -Name '#{new_resource.share_name}' -Description '#{new_resource.description}' -Force"
Chef::Log.debug("Running '#{update_command}' to update the share")
def create_share
raise "#{new_resource.path} is missing or not a directory. Shares cannot be created if the path doesn't first exist." unless new_resource.path
share_cmd = "New-SmbShare -Name '#{new_resource.share_name}' -Path '#{Chef::Util::PathHelper.cleanpath(new_resource.path)}' -Description '#{new_resource.description}' -ConcurrentUserLimit #{new_resource.concurrent_user_limit} -CATimeout #{new_resource.ca_timeout} -EncryptData:#{bool_string(new_resource.encrypt_data)} -ContinuouslyAvailable:#{bool_string(new_resource.continuously_available)}"
share_cmd << " -ScopeName #{new_resource.scope_name}" unless new_resource.scope_name == '*' # passing * causes the command to fail
share_cmd << " -Temporary:#{bool_string(new_resource.temporary)}" if new_resource.temporary # only set true
Chef::Log.debug("Running '#{share_cmd}' to create the share")
# New-SmbShare adds the "Everyone" user with read access no matter what so we need to remove it
# before we add our permissions
# determine what users in the current state don't exist in the desired state
# users/groups will have their permissions updated with the same command that
# sets it, but removes must be performed with Revoke-SmbShareAccess
def users_to_revoke
@users_to_revoke ||= begin
# if the resource doesn't exist then nothing needs to be revoked
if current_resource.nil?
else # if it exists then calculate the current to new resource diffs
(current_resource.full_users + current_resource.change_users + current_resource.read_users) - (new_resource.full_users + new_resource.change_users + new_resource.read_users)
# update existing permissions on a share
def update_permissions
# revoke any users that had something, but now has nothing
revoke_user_permissions(users_to_revoke) unless users_to_revoke.empty?
# set permissions for each of the permission types
%w(full read change).each do |perm_type|
# set permissions for a brand new share OR
# update permissions if the current state and desired state differ
next unless permissions_need_update?(perm_type)
grant_command = "Grant-SmbShareAccess -Name '#{new_resource.share_name}' -AccountName \"#{new_resource.send("#{perm_type}_users").join('","')}\" -Force -AccessRight #{perm_type}"
Chef::Log.debug("Running '#{grant_command}' to update the share permissions")
# determine if permissions need to be updated.
# Brand new share with no permissions defined: no
# Brand new share with permissions defined: yes
# Existing share with differing permissions: yes
# @param [String] type the permissions type (Full, Read, or Change)
def permissions_need_update?(type)
property_name = "#{type}_users"
# brand new share, but nothing to set
return false if current_resource.nil? && new_resource.send(property_name).empty?
# brand new share with new permissions to set
return true if current_resource.nil? && !new_resource.send(property_name).empty?
# there's a difference between the current and desired state
return true unless (new_resource.send(property_name) - current_resource.send(property_name)).empty?
# anything else
# revoke user permissions from a share
# @param [Array] users
def revoke_user_permissions(users)
revoke_command = "Revoke-SmbShareAccess -Name '#{new_resource.share_name}' -AccountName \"#{users.join('","')}\" -Force"
Chef::Log.debug("Running '#{revoke_command}' to revoke share permissions")
# convert True/False into "$True" & "$False"
def bool_string(bool)
# bool ? 1 : 0
bool ? '$true' : '$false'