diff --git a/doc/kubernetes.md b/doc/kubernetes.md index fbc3015..55ef506 100644 --- a/doc/kubernetes.md +++ b/doc/kubernetes.md @@ -54,14 +54,18 @@ Change the image for the gitea-server container This is useful to deploy features that are in master but not yet in a release. -TODO: Create an org on Docker Hub (kosmos is already taken and 67p is too short) - $ docker pull gitea/gitea - $ docker tag gitea/gitea:latest $ORG/gitea:latest - $ docker push $ORG/gitea + $ docker tag gitea/gitea:latest kosmosorg/gitea:production + $ docker push kosmosorg/gitea -Set the image for the gitea-server container to `$ORG/gitea:latest`, or run +Set the image for the gitea-server container to `kosmosorg/gitea:latest`, or run this command to force a deployment if it is already set to it $ kubectl patch deployment gitea-server -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}" +### Build our own image + +At the root of the [https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea](gitea repo) + + $ DOCKER_TAG=production DOCKER_IMAGE=kosmosorg/gitea make docker # builds and tags kosmosorg/gitea:production locally + $ docker push kosmosorg/gitea