Add documentation about updating Gitea

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Greg 2019-01-08 12:14:41 +01:00
parent 8496b19ec5
commit 8a2d491e45
1 changed files with 24 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -41,3 +41,27 @@ Kubernetes before uploading them again. This is done by this script:
> @whitecolor, in your case you should be fine by clearing `PV.Spec.ClaimRef.UID` in the PV. Only the re-created PVC (with any UID) can then use the PV. And it's your responsibility that only the right person can craft appropriate PVC so nobody can steal your data.
## Update Gitea
### Released version
Change the image for the gitea-server container
(`kubernetes/gitea-server.yaml`) to `gitea/gitea:TAG`, for example:
### Unreleased version
This is useful to deploy features that are in master but not yet in a release.
TODO: Create an org on Docker Hub (kosmos is already taken and 67p is too short)
$ docker pull gitea/gitea
$ docker tag gitea/gitea:latest $ORG/gitea:latest
$ docker push $ORG/gitea
Set the image for the gitea-server container to `$ORG/gitea:latest`, or run
this command to force a deployment if it is already set to it
$ kubectl patch deployment gitea-server -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"