# gitea.kosmos.org This repository contains configuration files and other assets, that are used to deploy and operate this Gitea instance. To create a new image containing the customizations: Edit `packer/custom.json` to increment the tag, then run this script (needs [Packer](https://www.packer.io/) in your path) ``` ./script/build_customizations_image ``` Then edit `kubernetes/gitea-server.yaml` to use the new tag (`image: eu.gcr.io/fluted-magpie-218106/gitea_custom:$VERSION`) and apply the change: ``` cd kubernetes kubectl apply -f gitea-server.yaml ``` Feel free to [open issues] for questions, suggestions, bugs, to-do items, and whatever else you want to discuss or resolve. [open issues]: https://gitea.kosmos.org/kosmos/gitea.kosmos.org/issues