# Backups We're using [Ark][1] for backing up Kubernetes config and GKE resources. It is available as a Git submodule in the `vendor/` folder (incl. the `ark` executable). In order to initialize submodules in your local repo, run once: git submodule init Then, to fetch/update the modules, run: git submodule update The Ark service is running on the Sidamo cluster and was set up using the [official docs' GCP instructions and config files][4]. ## Backup location Cluster configuration (including all live resources) is backed up to [a Google Cloud Storage container][3]. ## Persistent volumes Persistent volumes are just GCE disks. Thus, with the current config, Ark creates volume snapshots as native [GCE disk snapshots][2]. [1]: https://heptio.github.io/ark/v0.10.0 [2]: https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/snapshots?organizationId=772167872692&project=fluted-magpie-218106&tab=snapshots&snapshotssize=50 [3]: https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/sidamo-backups?project=fluted-magpie-218106&organizationId=772167872692 [4]: https://heptio.github.io/ark/v0.10.0/gcp-config