## hal8000 hal8000 is a chat bot built on the [Hubot](https://hubot.github.com/) framework. It's currently running in some channels on Freenode. ### Running hal8000 locally npm start ### Incoming webhooks in development With [ngrok](https://ngrok.com) installed (and the ngrok binary in your PATH), you can open an HTTP tunnel with: npm run ngrok ### Configuration `run.sh` (which is used for `npm start`) has some default values for the required ENV vars. Change it according to your needs, or use custom ENV vars with the commands. ### Deployment hal8000 is deployed by running Chef Zero against `barnard.kosmos.org` with the cookbooks from our [Gitea repo](https://gitea.kosmos.org/kosmos/chef). ### House Rules [Contributor Code of Conduct](http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/2/0/) (TL;DR: Be excellent to each other.)