[![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@kredits/ipfs-pinner.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kredits/ipfs-pinner) # Kredits IPFS Pinner This tool pins the IPFS documents of a Kredits organization on any IPFS node. ## Usage Make sure you have a local IPFS node running. (See `--help` for custom IPFS config flags, in case it is not running on localhost with default ports.) ### With NPX magic npx @kredits/ipfs-pinner ### Global install npm install -g @kredits/ipfs-pinner kredits-ipfs-pinner ### From repo Clone the Git repository, then use npm scripts from its root directory. npm start Or with debug output: npm run debug ### CLI options Display progress bars: kredits-ipfs-pinner --progress Or with npm: npm start -- --progress Keep running and watch for new data/documents: kredits-ipfs-pinner --watch Multiple options at once: kredits-ipfs-pinner --progress --watch