This commit is contained in:
bumi 2019-03-24 11:01:59 +01:00
parent e7affdb531
commit 0d9b2d7d58
6 changed files with 43 additions and 737 deletions

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@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
# Kredits Contracts
This repository contains the Solidity smart contracts and JavaScript API
wrapper for [Kosmos Kredits](
This repository contains the Solidity smart contracts organized as [Aragon](
apps and JavaScript API wrapper for [Kosmos Kredits](
It uses the [Truffle framework]( for some things.
It is based on [aragonOS]( and
follows the aragonOS conventions.
Aragon itself uses the [Truffle framework]( for some things.
## Development
@ -17,77 +19,40 @@ It uses the [Truffle framework]( for some things.
All requirements are defined in `package.json`.
Those can be installed globally for convenience:
### Local development chain
* [truffle framework]( `npm install -g truffle`
* [ganache]( `npm install -g ganache-cli`
For local development it is recommended to use
[ganache]( to run a local development
chain. Using the ganache simulator no full Ethereum node is required.
We use following solidity contract libraries:
We use the default aragon-cli devchain command to confgure and run a local
development ganache.
* [Open Zeppelin](
`npm run devchain` (or `aragon devchain --port 7545)
For local development it is recommended to use
[ganache-cli]( (or the [ganache
GUI]( to run a local development chain.
Using the ganache simulator no full Ethereum node is required.
To clear/reset the chain use:
We default to:
`npm run devchain -- --reset` (or `aragon devchain --port 7545 --reset`)
* port 7545 for development to not get in conflict with the default Ethereum
RPC port.
* network ID 100 to stay on the same network id
* store ganache data in .ganache-db to presist the chain data across restarts
* use a fixed Mnemonic code to get the same accounts across restarts
We default to port 7545 for development to not get in conflict with the default
Ethereum RPC port.
Have a look at `ganache-cli` for more configuration options.
Run your ganache simulator before using Kredits locally:
$ npm run ganache (which is: ganache-cli -p 7545 -i 100 --db=./.ganache-db -m kredits)
### Truffle console
Truffle comes with a simple REPL to interact with the Smart Contracts. Have a
look at the [documentation
NOTE: There are promisses, have a look at the examples:
Token.deployed().then(function(token) { {
Also please be aware of the differences between web3.js 0.2x.x and
[1.x.x]( - [web3
## Contract Deployment
Truffle uses migration scripts to deploy contract to various networks. Have a
look at the `migrations` folder for those. The Ethereum nodes for the
different networks need to be configured in `truffle.js`.
Contracts are organized in independent apps (see `/apps`) and are developed
and deployed independently. Each app has a version and can be "installed"
on the Kredits DAO independently.
Run the truffle migration scripts:
$ truffle deploy
$ truffle deploy --network=<network config from truffle.js>
A DAO can be deployed using the `scripts/deploy-kit.js` script or with the
`npm run deploy:dao:dev` command. This deploys a new Kredits DAO, installs
the latest app versions and sets the required permissions.
Truffle keeps track of already executed migration scripts. To reset the
migration use the `--reset` option
See each app in `/apps/*` for details.
$ truffle migrate --reset
Migration scripts can also be run from within `truffle console` or `truffle
To initially bootstrap a local development chain in ganache you can use the
bootstrap script:
$ npm run bootstrap
## ACL / Permissions
## Helper scripts
@ -123,6 +88,12 @@ Adds a new proposal for an existing contributor
$ truffle exec scripts/add-proposal.js
### add-contribution.js
Adds a new contribution for an existing contributor
$ truffle exec scripts/add-contribution.js
### send-funds.js
Sends funds to an address. Helpful in development mode to for example fund a
@ -139,40 +110,19 @@ Run seeds defined in `config/seeds.js`.
## Upgradeable contracts
Some of the contracts use upgradability ideas from
[zeppelinos]( (see `contracts/upgradable`).
The basic idea is to have a Registry contract that knows about the current
implementations and a Proxy contract that uses `delegatecall` to call the
current implementation. That means the Proxy contract holds the storage and
the address of that one does not change but the actuall implemenation is
managed through the Registry.
To deploy a new version a new contract is deployed then the version is
registered (`addVersion()`) in the Registry and on the Proxy contract is
"upgraded" (`upgrade()`) to the new version.
The Registry knows about all the different contracts and implementations.
Versions are stored as uint and automatically incremented for every added
We use aragonOS for upgradeablity of the different contracts.
Refer to the [aragonOS upgradeablity documentation](
for more details.
### Example
Deployment is best done using the truffle deployer.
1. Setup
1. Deploy the Registry
2. Deploy the contract
3. Register the contract at the Registry:
`registry.addVersion('Token', Token.address)`
4. Create the Proxy:
`registry.createProxy('Token', 1)`
1. Deploy each contract/apps (see `/apps/*`)
2. Create a new DAO (see scripts/deploy-kit.js)
2. Update
1. Deploy a new Version of the contract
2. Register the new version at the Registry:
`registry.addVersion('Token', NewToken.address)`
3. Set the new implementation address on the Proxy contract:
`registry.upgrade('Token', 2)`
1. Deploy a new Version of the contract/app (see `/apps/*`)
2. Use the `aragon dao upgrade` command to "install" the new version for the DAO
(`aragon dao upgrade <DAO address> <app name>`)
## Known Issues

View File

@ -1,162 +1 @@
# Aragon React Boilerplate
> 🕵️ [Find more boilerplates using GitHub]( |
> ✨ [Official boilerplates](
React boilerplate for Aragon applications.
This boilerplate also includes a fully working example app, complete with a background worker and a front-end in React (with Aragon UI).
## Usage
aragon init app.aragonpm.eth react
## Running your app
### Using HTTP
Running your app using HTTP will allow for a faster development process of your app's front-end, as it can be hot-reloaded without the need to execute `aragon run` every time a change is made.
- First start your app's development server running `npm run start:app`, and keep that process running. By default it will rebuild the app and reload the server when changes to the source are made.
- After that, you can run `npm run start:aragon:http` which will compile your app's contracts, publish the app locally and create a DAO. You will need to stop it and run it again after making changes to your smart contracts.
Changes to the app's background script (`app/script.js`) cannot be hot-reloaded, after making changes to the script, you will need to either restart the development server (`npm run start:app`) or rebuild the script `npm run build:script`.
### Using IPFS
Running your app using IPFS will mimic the production environment that will be used for running your app. `npm run start:aragon:ipfs` will run your app using IPFS. Whenever a change is made to any file in your front-end, a new version of the app needs to be published, so the command needs to be restarted.
## What's in the box?
### npm Scripts
- **start** or **start:aragon:ipfs**: Runs your app inside a DAO served from IPFS
- **start:aragon:http**: Runs your app inside a DAO served with HTTP (hot reloading)
- **start:app**: Starts a development server for your app
- **compile**: Compile the smart contracts
- **build**: Builds the front-end and background script
- **build:app**: Builds the front-end
- **build:script**: Builds the background script
- **test**: Runs tests for the contracts
- **publish:patch**: Release a patch version to aragonPM (only frontend/content changes allowed)
- **publish:minor**: Release a minor version to aragonPM (only frontend/content changes allowed)
- **publish:major**: Release a major version to aragonPM (frontend **and** contract changes)
- **versions**: Check the currently installed versions of the app
### Libraries
- [**@aragon/os**]( Aragon interfaces
- [**@aragon/client**]( Wrapper for Aragon application RPC
- [**@aragon/ui**]( Aragon UI components (in React)
## Publish
This app has 3 environments defined in `arapp.json`:
| Environment | Network |
|--- |--- |
| default | localhost |
| staging | rinkeby |
| production | mainnet |
- ENS Registry address
Note: the `default` environment which points to `localhost` does not have an ENS Registry address specified because the `@aragon/cli` will default the value to `0xB9462EF3441346dBc6E49236Edbb0dF207db09B7` (the ENS Registry pre-deployed on the local development chain).
### Introduction to environments
Environments are defined in `arapp.json`, for example `staging` points to:
- an ENS registry (`0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b`)
- an APM registry (`open.aragonpm.eth`)
- an APM repository (`app`)
- an Ethereum network (`rinkeby`)
- an Ethereum websockets provider (`wss://` - to **read** from the blockchain)
The `rinkeby` network is further defined in `truffle.js`, and has:
- an Ethereum provider (to **write** to the blockchain):
- an address (``)
- an Ethereum Account (`0xb4124cEB3451635DAcedd11767f004d8a28c6eE7`)
(which is the first account generated from the `DEFAULT_MNEMONIC` variable, to use a different account see [here](#Using-a-different-Ethereum-account))
### Major version: content + contract
npm run publish:major -- --environment staging
This will:
1. _build_ the app's frontend (the output lives in `dist`)
2. _compile_ the app's contract (the output lives in `build`)
3. publish the app to the **staging** environment.
Sample output:
> aragon apm publish major "--environment" "staging"
✔ Successfully published v1.0.0:
Contract address: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1
Content (ipfs): QmR695Wu5KrHNec7pRP3kPvwYihABDAyVYdX5D5vwLgxCn
Transaction hash: 0x3d752db29cc106e9ff98b260a90615921eb32471425a29ead8cbb830fb224d8
Note: the contract location is defined in `arapp.json` under `path`.
Note: you can also deploy a major version with only frontend changes by passing `--only-content`.
### Minor/patch version: content only
npm run publish:patch -- --environment staging
This will:
1. _build_ the app's frontend (which lives in `dist`)
2. publish the app to the **staging** environment.
Sample output:
✔ Successfully published v1.1.1:
Contract address: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1
Content (ipfs): QmUYv9cjyNVxCyAJGK2YXjkbzh6u4iW2ak81Z9obdefM1q
Transaction hash: 0x57864d8efd8d439008621b494b19a3e8f876a8a46b38475f9626802f0a1403c2
### Check published versions
npm run versions -- --environment staging
Sample output:
``` has 4 published versions
✔ 1.0.0: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmR695Wu5KrHNec7pRP3kPvwYihABDAyVYdX5D5vwLgxCn
✔ 1.1.0: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmSwjUZFpv2c2e9fLoxtgFrAsAmBN4DyQGJp4RcqQcW3z3
✔ 1.1.1: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmUYv9cjyNVxCyAJGK2YXjkbzh6u4iW2ak81Z9obdefM1q
✔ 2.0.0: 0x74CBbbC932d7C344FCd789Eba24BfD40e52980c9 ipfs:Qmadb3hzwLDKtb93fF367Vg1epkdsLZF4dhpapNYynjgZF
### Using a different Ethereum account
To deploy from a different account, you can:
- define a `~/.aragon/mnemonic.json` file
"mnemonic": "explain tackle mirror kit ..."
- define a `~/.aragon/${network_name}_key.json` file, for example: `~/.aragon/rinkeby_key.json`
"keys": [
# Kredits Contribution

View File

@ -1,162 +1 @@
# Aragon React Boilerplate
> 🕵️ [Find more boilerplates using GitHub]( |
> ✨ [Official boilerplates](
React boilerplate for Aragon applications.
This boilerplate also includes a fully working example app, complete with a background worker and a front-end in React (with Aragon UI).
## Usage
aragon init app.aragonpm.eth react
## Running your app
### Using HTTP
Running your app using HTTP will allow for a faster development process of your app's front-end, as it can be hot-reloaded without the need to execute `aragon run` every time a change is made.
- First start your app's development server running `npm run start:app`, and keep that process running. By default it will rebuild the app and reload the server when changes to the source are made.
- After that, you can run `npm run start:aragon:http` which will compile your app's contracts, publish the app locally and create a DAO. You will need to stop it and run it again after making changes to your smart contracts.
Changes to the app's background script (`app/script.js`) cannot be hot-reloaded, after making changes to the script, you will need to either restart the development server (`npm run start:app`) or rebuild the script `npm run build:script`.
### Using IPFS
Running your app using IPFS will mimic the production environment that will be used for running your app. `npm run start:aragon:ipfs` will run your app using IPFS. Whenever a change is made to any file in your front-end, a new version of the app needs to be published, so the command needs to be restarted.
## What's in the box?
### npm Scripts
- **start** or **start:aragon:ipfs**: Runs your app inside a DAO served from IPFS
- **start:aragon:http**: Runs your app inside a DAO served with HTTP (hot reloading)
- **start:app**: Starts a development server for your app
- **compile**: Compile the smart contracts
- **build**: Builds the front-end and background script
- **build:app**: Builds the front-end
- **build:script**: Builds the background script
- **test**: Runs tests for the contracts
- **publish:patch**: Release a patch version to aragonPM (only frontend/content changes allowed)
- **publish:minor**: Release a minor version to aragonPM (only frontend/content changes allowed)
- **publish:major**: Release a major version to aragonPM (frontend **and** contract changes)
- **versions**: Check the currently installed versions of the app
### Libraries
- [**@aragon/os**]( Aragon interfaces
- [**@aragon/client**]( Wrapper for Aragon application RPC
- [**@aragon/ui**]( Aragon UI components (in React)
## Publish
This app has 3 environments defined in `arapp.json`:
| Environment | Network |
|--- |--- |
| default | localhost |
| staging | rinkeby |
| production | mainnet |
- ENS Registry address
Note: the `default` environment which points to `localhost` does not have an ENS Registry address specified because the `@aragon/cli` will default the value to `0xB9462EF3441346dBc6E49236Edbb0dF207db09B7` (the ENS Registry pre-deployed on the local development chain).
### Introduction to environments
Environments are defined in `arapp.json`, for example `staging` points to:
- an ENS registry (`0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b`)
- an APM registry (`open.aragonpm.eth`)
- an APM repository (`app`)
- an Ethereum network (`rinkeby`)
- an Ethereum websockets provider (`wss://` - to **read** from the blockchain)
The `rinkeby` network is further defined in `truffle.js`, and has:
- an Ethereum provider (to **write** to the blockchain):
- an address (``)
- an Ethereum Account (`0xb4124cEB3451635DAcedd11767f004d8a28c6eE7`)
(which is the first account generated from the `DEFAULT_MNEMONIC` variable, to use a different account see [here](#Using-a-different-Ethereum-account))
### Major version: content + contract
npm run publish:major -- --environment staging
This will:
1. _build_ the app's frontend (the output lives in `dist`)
2. _compile_ the app's contract (the output lives in `build`)
3. publish the app to the **staging** environment.
Sample output:
> aragon apm publish major "--environment" "staging"
✔ Successfully published v1.0.0:
Contract address: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1
Content (ipfs): QmR695Wu5KrHNec7pRP3kPvwYihABDAyVYdX5D5vwLgxCn
Transaction hash: 0x3d752db29cc106e9ff98b260a90615921eb32471425a29ead8cbb830fb224d8
Note: the contract location is defined in `arapp.json` under `path`.
Note: you can also deploy a major version with only frontend changes by passing `--only-content`.
### Minor/patch version: content only
npm run publish:patch -- --environment staging
This will:
1. _build_ the app's frontend (which lives in `dist`)
2. publish the app to the **staging** environment.
Sample output:
✔ Successfully published v1.1.1:
Contract address: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1
Content (ipfs): QmUYv9cjyNVxCyAJGK2YXjkbzh6u4iW2ak81Z9obdefM1q
Transaction hash: 0x57864d8efd8d439008621b494b19a3e8f876a8a46b38475f9626802f0a1403c2
### Check published versions
npm run versions -- --environment staging
Sample output:
``` has 4 published versions
✔ 1.0.0: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmR695Wu5KrHNec7pRP3kPvwYihABDAyVYdX5D5vwLgxCn
✔ 1.1.0: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmSwjUZFpv2c2e9fLoxtgFrAsAmBN4DyQGJp4RcqQcW3z3
✔ 1.1.1: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmUYv9cjyNVxCyAJGK2YXjkbzh6u4iW2ak81Z9obdefM1q
✔ 2.0.0: 0x74CBbbC932d7C344FCd789Eba24BfD40e52980c9 ipfs:Qmadb3hzwLDKtb93fF367Vg1epkdsLZF4dhpapNYynjgZF
### Using a different Ethereum account
To deploy from a different account, you can:
- define a `~/.aragon/mnemonic.json` file
"mnemonic": "explain tackle mirror kit ..."
- define a `~/.aragon/${network_name}_key.json` file, for example: `~/.aragon/rinkeby_key.json`
"keys": [
# Kredits Contributor

View File

@ -1,162 +1 @@
# Aragon React Boilerplate
> 🕵️ [Find more boilerplates using GitHub]( |
> ✨ [Official boilerplates](
React boilerplate for Aragon applications.
This boilerplate also includes a fully working example app, complete with a background worker and a front-end in React (with Aragon UI).
## Usage
aragon init app.aragonpm.eth react
## Running your app
### Using HTTP
Running your app using HTTP will allow for a faster development process of your app's front-end, as it can be hot-reloaded without the need to execute `aragon run` every time a change is made.
- First start your app's development server running `npm run start:app`, and keep that process running. By default it will rebuild the app and reload the server when changes to the source are made.
- After that, you can run `npm run start:aragon:http` which will compile your app's contracts, publish the app locally and create a DAO. You will need to stop it and run it again after making changes to your smart contracts.
Changes to the app's background script (`app/script.js`) cannot be hot-reloaded, after making changes to the script, you will need to either restart the development server (`npm run start:app`) or rebuild the script `npm run build:script`.
### Using IPFS
Running your app using IPFS will mimic the production environment that will be used for running your app. `npm run start:aragon:ipfs` will run your app using IPFS. Whenever a change is made to any file in your front-end, a new version of the app needs to be published, so the command needs to be restarted.
## What's in the box?
### npm Scripts
- **start** or **start:aragon:ipfs**: Runs your app inside a DAO served from IPFS
- **start:aragon:http**: Runs your app inside a DAO served with HTTP (hot reloading)
- **start:app**: Starts a development server for your app
- **compile**: Compile the smart contracts
- **build**: Builds the front-end and background script
- **build:app**: Builds the front-end
- **build:script**: Builds the background script
- **test**: Runs tests for the contracts
- **publish:patch**: Release a patch version to aragonPM (only frontend/content changes allowed)
- **publish:minor**: Release a minor version to aragonPM (only frontend/content changes allowed)
- **publish:major**: Release a major version to aragonPM (frontend **and** contract changes)
- **versions**: Check the currently installed versions of the app
### Libraries
- [**@aragon/os**]( Aragon interfaces
- [**@aragon/client**]( Wrapper for Aragon application RPC
- [**@aragon/ui**]( Aragon UI components (in React)
## Publish
This app has 3 environments defined in `arapp.json`:
| Environment | Network |
|--- |--- |
| default | localhost |
| staging | rinkeby |
| production | mainnet |
- ENS Registry address
Note: the `default` environment which points to `localhost` does not have an ENS Registry address specified because the `@aragon/cli` will default the value to `0xB9462EF3441346dBc6E49236Edbb0dF207db09B7` (the ENS Registry pre-deployed on the local development chain).
### Introduction to environments
Environments are defined in `arapp.json`, for example `staging` points to:
- an ENS registry (`0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b`)
- an APM registry (`open.aragonpm.eth`)
- an APM repository (`app`)
- an Ethereum network (`rinkeby`)
- an Ethereum websockets provider (`wss://` - to **read** from the blockchain)
The `rinkeby` network is further defined in `truffle.js`, and has:
- an Ethereum provider (to **write** to the blockchain):
- an address (``)
- an Ethereum Account (`0xb4124cEB3451635DAcedd11767f004d8a28c6eE7`)
(which is the first account generated from the `DEFAULT_MNEMONIC` variable, to use a different account see [here](#Using-a-different-Ethereum-account))
### Major version: content + contract
npm run publish:major -- --environment staging
This will:
1. _build_ the app's frontend (the output lives in `dist`)
2. _compile_ the app's contract (the output lives in `build`)
3. publish the app to the **staging** environment.
Sample output:
> aragon apm publish major "--environment" "staging"
✔ Successfully published v1.0.0:
Contract address: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1
Content (ipfs): QmR695Wu5KrHNec7pRP3kPvwYihABDAyVYdX5D5vwLgxCn
Transaction hash: 0x3d752db29cc106e9ff98b260a90615921eb32471425a29ead8cbb830fb224d8
Note: the contract location is defined in `arapp.json` under `path`.
Note: you can also deploy a major version with only frontend changes by passing `--only-content`.
### Minor/patch version: content only
npm run publish:patch -- --environment staging
This will:
1. _build_ the app's frontend (which lives in `dist`)
2. publish the app to the **staging** environment.
Sample output:
✔ Successfully published v1.1.1:
Contract address: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1
Content (ipfs): QmUYv9cjyNVxCyAJGK2YXjkbzh6u4iW2ak81Z9obdefM1q
Transaction hash: 0x57864d8efd8d439008621b494b19a3e8f876a8a46b38475f9626802f0a1403c2
### Check published versions
npm run versions -- --environment staging
Sample output:
``` has 4 published versions
✔ 1.0.0: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmR695Wu5KrHNec7pRP3kPvwYihABDAyVYdX5D5vwLgxCn
✔ 1.1.0: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmSwjUZFpv2c2e9fLoxtgFrAsAmBN4DyQGJp4RcqQcW3z3
✔ 1.1.1: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmUYv9cjyNVxCyAJGK2YXjkbzh6u4iW2ak81Z9obdefM1q
✔ 2.0.0: 0x74CBbbC932d7C344FCd789Eba24BfD40e52980c9 ipfs:Qmadb3hzwLDKtb93fF367Vg1epkdsLZF4dhpapNYynjgZF
### Using a different Ethereum account
To deploy from a different account, you can:
- define a `~/.aragon/mnemonic.json` file
"mnemonic": "explain tackle mirror kit ..."
- define a `~/.aragon/${network_name}_key.json` file, for example: `~/.aragon/rinkeby_key.json`
"keys": [
# Kredits Proposal

View File

@ -1,162 +1 @@
# Aragon React Boilerplate
> 🕵️ [Find more boilerplates using GitHub]( |
> ✨ [Official boilerplates](
React boilerplate for Aragon applications.
This boilerplate also includes a fully working example app, complete with a background worker and a front-end in React (with Aragon UI).
## Usage
aragon init app.aragonpm.eth react
## Running your app
### Using HTTP
Running your app using HTTP will allow for a faster development process of your app's front-end, as it can be hot-reloaded without the need to execute `aragon run` every time a change is made.
- First start your app's development server running `npm run start:app`, and keep that process running. By default it will rebuild the app and reload the server when changes to the source are made.
- After that, you can run `npm run start:aragon:http` which will compile your app's contracts, publish the app locally and create a DAO. You will need to stop it and run it again after making changes to your smart contracts.
Changes to the app's background script (`app/script.js`) cannot be hot-reloaded, after making changes to the script, you will need to either restart the development server (`npm run start:app`) or rebuild the script `npm run build:script`.
### Using IPFS
Running your app using IPFS will mimic the production environment that will be used for running your app. `npm run start:aragon:ipfs` will run your app using IPFS. Whenever a change is made to any file in your front-end, a new version of the app needs to be published, so the command needs to be restarted.
## What's in the box?
### npm Scripts
- **start** or **start:aragon:ipfs**: Runs your app inside a DAO served from IPFS
- **start:aragon:http**: Runs your app inside a DAO served with HTTP (hot reloading)
- **start:app**: Starts a development server for your app
- **compile**: Compile the smart contracts
- **build**: Builds the front-end and background script
- **build:app**: Builds the front-end
- **build:script**: Builds the background script
- **test**: Runs tests for the contracts
- **publish:patch**: Release a patch version to aragonPM (only frontend/content changes allowed)
- **publish:minor**: Release a minor version to aragonPM (only frontend/content changes allowed)
- **publish:major**: Release a major version to aragonPM (frontend **and** contract changes)
- **versions**: Check the currently installed versions of the app
### Libraries
- [**@aragon/os**]( Aragon interfaces
- [**@aragon/client**]( Wrapper for Aragon application RPC
- [**@aragon/ui**]( Aragon UI components (in React)
## Publish
This app has 3 environments defined in `arapp.json`:
| Environment | Network |
|--- |--- |
| default | localhost |
| staging | rinkeby |
| production | mainnet |
- ENS Registry address
Note: the `default` environment which points to `localhost` does not have an ENS Registry address specified because the `@aragon/cli` will default the value to `0xB9462EF3441346dBc6E49236Edbb0dF207db09B7` (the ENS Registry pre-deployed on the local development chain).
### Introduction to environments
Environments are defined in `arapp.json`, for example `staging` points to:
- an ENS registry (`0x314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b`)
- an APM registry (`open.aragonpm.eth`)
- an APM repository (`app`)
- an Ethereum network (`rinkeby`)
- an Ethereum websockets provider (`wss://` - to **read** from the blockchain)
The `rinkeby` network is further defined in `truffle.js`, and has:
- an Ethereum provider (to **write** to the blockchain):
- an address (``)
- an Ethereum Account (`0xb4124cEB3451635DAcedd11767f004d8a28c6eE7`)
(which is the first account generated from the `DEFAULT_MNEMONIC` variable, to use a different account see [here](#Using-a-different-Ethereum-account))
### Major version: content + contract
npm run publish:major -- --environment staging
This will:
1. _build_ the app's frontend (the output lives in `dist`)
2. _compile_ the app's contract (the output lives in `build`)
3. publish the app to the **staging** environment.
Sample output:
> aragon apm publish major "--environment" "staging"
✔ Successfully published v1.0.0:
Contract address: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1
Content (ipfs): QmR695Wu5KrHNec7pRP3kPvwYihABDAyVYdX5D5vwLgxCn
Transaction hash: 0x3d752db29cc106e9ff98b260a90615921eb32471425a29ead8cbb830fb224d8
Note: the contract location is defined in `arapp.json` under `path`.
Note: you can also deploy a major version with only frontend changes by passing `--only-content`.
### Minor/patch version: content only
npm run publish:patch -- --environment staging
This will:
1. _build_ the app's frontend (which lives in `dist`)
2. publish the app to the **staging** environment.
Sample output:
✔ Successfully published v1.1.1:
Contract address: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1
Content (ipfs): QmUYv9cjyNVxCyAJGK2YXjkbzh6u4iW2ak81Z9obdefM1q
Transaction hash: 0x57864d8efd8d439008621b494b19a3e8f876a8a46b38475f9626802f0a1403c2
### Check published versions
npm run versions -- --environment staging
Sample output:
``` has 4 published versions
✔ 1.0.0: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmR695Wu5KrHNec7pRP3kPvwYihABDAyVYdX5D5vwLgxCn
✔ 1.1.0: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmSwjUZFpv2c2e9fLoxtgFrAsAmBN4DyQGJp4RcqQcW3z3
✔ 1.1.1: 0xE636bcA5B95e94F749F63E322a04DB59362299F1 ipfs:QmUYv9cjyNVxCyAJGK2YXjkbzh6u4iW2ak81Z9obdefM1q
✔ 2.0.0: 0x74CBbbC932d7C344FCd789Eba24BfD40e52980c9 ipfs:Qmadb3hzwLDKtb93fF367Vg1epkdsLZF4dhpapNYynjgZF
### Using a different Ethereum account
To deploy from a different account, you can:
- define a `~/.aragon/mnemonic.json` file
"mnemonic": "explain tackle mirror kit ..."
- define a `~/.aragon/${network_name}_key.json` file, for example: `~/.aragon/rinkeby_key.json`
"keys": [
# Kredits Token

docs/kredits-diagram.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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