# gitea-release-drafter _Gitea Release Drafter_ automates release notes as a draft release whenever a pull request finds it's way into the default branch of your repository. ⚠️ This action is compatible with gitea and forgejo starting from version `1.19.0`. ![Screenshot 2023-03-05 at 23 05 12](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6138133/222988558-5e99e5b4-9955-4650-9ce6-6d565dd85f34.png) ## Using The Release Drafter ... `config-path` to set the location of the action configuration. Defaults to `.gitea/release-drafter.yml` ## Example Configuration ``` name-template: 'v$RESOLVED_VERSION 🌈' tag-template: 'v$RESOLVED_VERSION' version-resolver: major: labels: - 'major' minor: labels: - 'minor' patch: labels: - 'patch' default: patch ``` ## Configuration Variables - `RESOLVED_VERSION`: the proposed version for the next release (does not contain the leading `v`)