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Lnrpc - ruby gRPC client for LND

a gRPC client for LND, the Lightning Network Daemon packed as ruby gem.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'lnrpc'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install lnrpc


This gem makes the gRPC client classes created from the LND service defintions available.

require "lnrpc"

# the gRPC client is available under the Lnrpc namespace, e.g. 


Learn more about gRPC on gRPC.io.

The LND API reference can be found here: https://api.lightning.community/


require "lnrpc"

credentials = File.read("/path/to/tls.cert") 
macaroon = File.read("/path/to/readonly.macaroon").unpack("H*")

# initialize a new client
client = Lnrpc::Lightning::Stub.new("localhost:10009", GRPC::Core::ChannelCredentials.new(self.credentials))

# perform a request
request = Lnrpc::GetInfoRequest.new
response = client.get_info(request, { metadata: { macaroon: macaroon } }) #=> Lnrpc::GetInfoResponse
puts response.alias 

Client wrapper

An optional client wrapper (Lnrpc::Client) makes initializing the gRPC client easier and removes the need for some boilerplate code for calling RPC methods.


lnd = Lnrpc::Client.new({credentials_path: '/path/to.cert.cls', macaroon_path: '/path/to/admin.macaroon'})

Initializing a new client

The Lnrpc::Client constructor allows the following options:

  • credentials:
    • credentials : the credentials data as string
    • credentials_path : the path to a credentials file (tls.cert) as string
  • macaroon:
    • macaroon : the macaroon as hex string
    • macaroon_path : the path to the macaroon file created by lnd as string
  • address:
    • address : lnd address as string. format: address:port, e.g. default: localhost:10009
require 'lnrpc'

lnd = Lnrpc::Client.new({
  credentials_path: '/path/to.cert.cls', 
  macaroon_path: '/path/to/admin.macaroon',
  address: 'host:port'

# the actual gRPC client is available through:

Calling RPC methods

The client wrapper passes any supported RPC method call to the gRPC client applying the following conventions:

If the first parameter is a hash or blank a new request instance of Lnrpc::[capitalized method name]Request will be used as request paramter.

If the second paramter is blank the macaroon will be passed as metadata. ({ metadata: { macaroon: self.macaroon } })


# is the same as: 
client.grpc_client.get_info(Lnrpc::GetInfoRequest.new, { metadata: { macaroon: macaroon } })

client.add_invoice(value: 1000, memo: 'I :heart: ruby')
# is the same as: 
invoice_request = Lnrpc::AddInvoiceRequest(value: 1000, memo: 'I :heart: ruby')
client.grpc_client.add_invoice(invoice_request, { metadata: { macaroon: macaroon } })


This gem follows the LND versions and will update the gRPC service definitions accordingly. e.g. gem version 0.5.2 includes the gRPC service definitions from LND v0.5.2

Other resources


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/bumi/lnrpc.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.